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Do 25. Apr 14:20 - Artenschutz auf den Malediven: Lächelt sie mich etwa an?
Frankfurter Allgemeine - Deutschland
Die Malediveninsel Coco Palm Dhuni beherbergt ein außergewöhnliches Schildkrötenrettungszentrum. Verletzten Tieren wird hier ein neu...
Photo by Gerhard Geyer - Hawksbill Turtle on the Villivaru House-reef

Mi 24. Apr 14:20 - Sehnsucht nach Meer: Die Malediven, wie man sie nicht kennt
freizeit - Österreich
Trauminseln im Indischen Ozean. Die Atolle sind natürlich Sehnsuchtsorte für Honeymoon-Paare und Taucher - in der Nebensaison sogar...

Mi 24. Apr 14:15 - Familienurlaub im The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands
Presseportal - Deutschland
Familienurlaub auf den Malediven - längst haben sich die Luxusresorts auf junge Familien eingestellt. Ritz Kids heißt das Zauberwort bei ...

Mi 24. Apr 14:10 - Das sind die 10 besten Hotels der Welt
Travelnews - Schweiz
Ein einladendes Ambiente ... 1. Hotel Colline de France, Gramado (Brasilien) ... 2. Oblu Select Lobigili, Malé (Malediven). Letztes Jahr n...

Di 23. Apr 15:15 - Detlef In der Mühle gibt seine Erfahrung weiter: 'Tauchen ist meine Leidenschaft'
Osthessen News - Deutschland
Tauchen ist eine der schönsten Sportarten ... Einer meiner schönsten Tauchspots ... war im Indischen Ozean auf den Malediven, erzählt In...

Mo 22. Apr 14:15 - Drei Gründe,warum Urlaub auf den Malediven alles sein kann - außer eintönig!
Pregas - Deutschland
Wie kaum eine andere Destination stehen die Malediven für den Bilderbuch-Urlaub: Romantische, abgelegene Lagunen, Spaziergänge i...

Mo 22. Apr 14:10 - Pro-China-Partei gewinnt Parlamentswahl auf den Malediven
Welt - Deutschland
Auf den Malediven ist das Parlament neu gewählt worden. Es siegte die Partei des Präsidenten Muizzu. Er will stärker mit China kooperier...

Mo 22. Apr 14:05 - Das Paradies blickt in Richtung Peking: Erdrutschsieg für prochinesische Partei ...
Die Presse - Österreich
Die Partei Nationalkongress des Volkes errang mehr als zwei Drittel der Parlamentssitze ... Bei der Parlamentswahl auf den Malediven hat ...

So 21. Apr 14:55 - Schach mit Shaff am Meeresboden
Lokalkompass - Deutschland
Ein Mann taucht 50 Stunden nonstop, filmt und schläft auch unter Wasser ... als einziges Filmteam weltweit auf die Malediven eingeladen...

Sa 20. Apr 15:00 - Mit sun + fun auf die Malediven
Tauchen - Deutschland
Der Münchner Tauchreisespezialist hat für jeden Tauchgeschmack die passende Trauminsel parat und lädt Sie zu exklusiven Tauchsafaris...

Do 18. Apr 15:05 - Wo die Wesermärschler dieses Jahr am liebsten Urlaub machen
NWZ - Deutschland
Das Leben wird immer teurer, doch beim Urlaub sparen möchte ... Strandurlaube in den Malediven stünden derzeit hoch im Kurs. Ostafrik...

Mi 17. Apr 14:50 - Abwärtsspirale, die nicht zu stoppen ist: Meeresforscher warnt vor globaler ...
Merkur - Deutschland
Rekordtemperaturen in den Wintermonaten ... Die derzeitige Phase treffe besonders Korallenriffe im Indischen Ozean, dem Pazifik und de...

Mi 17. Apr 14:45 - Korallenbleiche in den Ozeanen alarmiert Wissenschaft
Bluewin - Schweiz
Experten warnen vor einer «signifikanten Korallenbleiche» in den Weltmeeren: Seit Februar ist das Phänomen wohl auch der nördlichen-...

Di 16. Apr 15:45 - Nach Rekordtemperaturen: Weltweit massive Korallenbleiche
GMX - Deutschland
Rekordtemperaturen in den Ozeanen sorgen für die zweite große Korallenbleiche innerhalb von zehn Jahren. Dadurch drohen ganze Riff...
Graphic by Gerhard Geyer - Sea-Temperature in the Maldives since 1985 until today

Di 16. Apr 15:40 - Auszeichnung für Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives
fvw - Deutschland
Die Park Hotel Group hat zum vierten Mal in Folge das international anerkannte Nachhaltigkeitssiegel "Green Globe" für seinen Malediv...

Mo 15. Apr 12:45 - Hotel der Woche: JA Manafaru
Reisen exclusiv - Deutschland
Gelegen im nördlichsten Atoll des Archipels ist JA Manafaru das abgelegenste und versteckteste Reiseziel der Malediven. Und der Weg lo...

Mo 15. Apr 12:40 - Robinson expandiert nach Vietnam
Travelnews - Schweiz
Die TUI Group eröffnet im Dezember 2024 den ersten Robinson-Club in Vietnam ... in Thailand und auf den Malediven konnten wir viele ...

So 14. Apr 14:55 - Im Kampf gegen die Überflutung gefährden die Malediven sich selbst noch mehr ...
NZZ - Schweiz
Das Ferienparadies ist bedroht vom Klimawandel, der den Meeresspiegel ansteigen lässt. Doch massive Aufschüttungen richten grosse Um...

Fr 12. Apr 14:50 - Weshalb eine Trauminsel für eine Grünhainerin zum Arbeitsort wird
Freie Presse - Deutschland
Für die Rettung großer Meeresschildkröten opfert Janett Lauckner Urlaub und Geld ... für einen Urlaub auf den Malediven werben. Und au...

Fr 12. Apr 14:45 - Ferienparadies nicht nur für die Flitterwochen
Blick - Schweiz
In vielen Köpfen ist das Bilder der Malediven als ultimative Flitterwochendestination eingebrannt. Doch damit tut man dem Inselstaat unr...

Fr 12. Apr 14:40 - Soneva Fushi feiert mit dem SOUL Festival Achtsamkeit und Self-Care
Falstaff Travel - Österreich
Kundalini-Yoga, Tanz, HIIT und Meditation sind nur einige der zahlreichen Aktivitäten, die Gäste beim SOUL Festival auf Soneva Fushi v...

Do 11. Apr 14:35 - Verwirrung um Hai-Attacke auf Russe auf den Malediven
Nau - Schweiz
Ein Russe soll in der Nähe seiner 5-Sterne-Unterkunft auf den Malediven von einem Hai attackiert worden sein ... Hotel weiss nichts von Hai...

Mi 10. Apr 14:30 - Moderates Erdbeben der Stärke 4.7 - Indischer Ozean, Malediven, am ... 9. April 2024
Volcano Discovery - USA
Ein starkes Erdbeben der Stärke 4.7 ereignete sich in Indischer Ozean in 649 km Entfernung von Malediven am Dienstag, 9. Apr. 2024 am...
courtesy Google Earth - Seebeben nahe der Malediven

Mi 10. Apr 14:25 - Alles wird teurer? Diese 3 Luxusreiseziele sind sogar günstiger geworden
Brigitte - Deutschland
Reisen kostet - wie so vieles ... hier sinken die Preise sogar ... 1.Malediven: Ja, wirklich! Die paradiesische Inselgruppe südlich von Indien ...

Mi 10. Apr 14:20 - Muslime begehen Ende des Fastenmonats Ramadan
ORF - Österreich
Musliminnen und Muslime in aller Welt begehen Id al-Fitr (auch: Eid al-Fitr), das Fest des Fastenbrechens. Es wird dieses Jahr von 10. bis ...

Di 09. Apr 14:30 - 5 besondere Dinner-Erlebnisse auf den Malediven für Foodies
Falstaff-Travel - Österreich
Zahlreiche einzigartige Ideen, Kreationen und Dining-Venues machen die Malediven für Foodies zu einem immer attraktiveren Ziel. Dass...

Di 09. Apr 14:25 - Schillernde Regenbogenfische wechseln Farbe und Geschlecht
yahoo! - USA
In den Tiefen des Ozeans gibt es immer noch Neues zu entdecken. Forscher haben nun eine neue Fischart vor den Malediven dokumenti...

Mo 08. Apr 14:40 - Für viele Inseln der Malediven wird die Zeit knapp
Krypto News - Deutschland
Leben auf den Malediven: Die Malediven sind ein Land der Kontraste, bestehend aus der pulsierenden Hauptstadt Malé und den abgele...

Mo 08. Apr 14:35 - Unsere Sucht nach Plastik und ich
ZDF - Deutschland
Kann ein Schuh helfen, die Welt zu retten? ... Inmitten dieser Umweltkatastrophe im indischen Ozean, sinniere ich darüber, dass der Müll...

So 07. Apr 15:15 - Thilafushi: Umweltkatastrophe im Ozean
ZDF - Deutschland
Mitten auf den Malediven im Indischen Ozean wurde eine Insel aus Müll gebaut. 300.500 Tonnen Abfälle werden täglich von den Nachb...

Sa 06. Apr 14:40 - Reederei bietet neue Luxus-Kreuzfahrt in 40 Länder an
Reisebüro - Deutschland
Eine Kreuzfahrt ... Diese Länder werden auf der Weltreise besucht ... Indonesien; Singapur; Malaysia; Thailand; Sri Lanka; Malediven; In...

Fr 05. Apr 15:00 - Diese beliebte Attraktion auf den Malediven exisitiert nicht wirklich
Reisereporter - Deutschland
Das sogenannte Sternenmeer ist eine der gefragtesten Sehenswürdigkeiten auf den Malediven dabei handelt es sich dabei gar nicht um ...

Fr 05. Apr 14:55 - Parasitenbefall im Paradies
Frankfurter Allgemeine - Deutschland
Sommer, Sonne, Palmen: Die Malediven sind so traumhaft schön wie aus dem Bilderbuch - bis man ins Meer geht. Das Paradies ist tückis...

Mi 03. Apr 15:20 - Space is the Place: Astronautencamp im Como Maalifushi
Falstaff Travel - Österreich
Diesen Sommer greift das Luxusresort auf den Malediven nach den Sternen – mit einem ganz besonderen Space Camp von NASA-Astron...

Mon 01. Apr 15:35 - COMO: Private Insel-Retreats auf den Malediven
Falstaff Travel - Österreich
Ob ruhige Oase oder tropisches Luxus-Hideaway: Die beiden Malediven-Resorts von COMO vereinen traumhafte Wellnessmomente, Welt...

So 31. März 15:30 - So schön ist Ostern bei den Austro-VIPs
OE24 - Österreich
Von Miami über Malediven bis Obertauern ... Ex-Miss Austria Dragana Stankovic frisch verlobt auf den Malediven turtelt und Andy Lee L...

Sa 30. März 18:35 - Pamela Reif im Tanga-Bikini: Was für ein Körper
Promipool - Deutschland
Traumhaft an diesen Bildern ist nicht nur der Traumstrand auf den Malediven, sondern auch der Wahnsinns-Körper der Fitness-Influencer...

Fr 29. März 14:20 - Kokospalmen, kristallklares Wasser und ein besonderes Spa-Erlebnis
Model Vita.- Deutschland
Das Serenity Spa liegt im Herzen des ikonischen Inselresorts auf den Malediven und lädt seine Gäste nun zu einer besonderen Wellness-...

Fr 29. März 14:15 - Streik versaut AUA-Chefin Malediven-Urlaub
OE24 - Österreich
AUA-Chefin Annette Mann wollte am Donnerstag auf die Malediven fliegen. Ein längerer Urlaub war geplant. Der Streik machte ihr eine...

Do 28. März 14:15 - Ostern: Schweizer zieht es auf die Malediven statt ins Tessin
Nau - Schweiz
Traditionsgemäss zieht es über Ostern viele Schweizer ins Tessin ... Exklusive Destinationen wie Malediven ausgebucht: Auch bei Tui he...

Do 28. März 14:10 - The Nautilus Maldives offeriert einzigartige Einblicke in die maledivische Kultur
inar Presseportal - Deutschland
Die ultraluxuriöse Privatinsel The Nautilus Maldives hat ein Programm mit faszinierenden kulturellen Erlebnissen zusammen gestellt. Da...

Di 26. März 14:55 - Top 10 der beliebtesten Urlaubsziele für den Sommer 2024
Hürriyet - Deutschland
Der Sommer ist da ... Naturwunder: Bora Bora, Französisch-Polynesien ... Luxuriöse Pause in Wasserbungalows: Malediven. Die Malediv ...


Koch-Videos - Cooking videos - Video di cucina     HANDPICKET MALDIVES NEWS OF THE MONTH    Sprache     Lingua    Koch-Videos - Cooking videos - Video di cucina

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Thu 25. Apr 14:15 - Fortifying Angsana Velavaru's dedication to Sustainability with Earth Day Celebration
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Angsana Velavaru, an all-inclusive premium resort nestled in South Nilandhe Atoll and a leading advocate for environmental stewardship ...
courtesy VisitMaldives - Angsana Velavaru aerial-view

Thu 25. Apr 14:10 - Villa Park Recognized with Prestigious TUI Global Hotel Award 2024
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Villa Park, a tropical island resort nestled in the South Ari Atoll of the Maldives has announced its recognition as a Quality Winner at the T...

Thu 25. Apr 14:05 - Hard Rock Hotel Maldives Presents Summer Camp-Cation 4.0
VisitMaldives - Maldives
This summer, Hard Rock Hotel Maldives is turning up the volume with the launch of its highly anticipated Summer Camp-Cation 4.0. Com...

Thu 25. Apr 14:00 - Muni Foundation and Fushifaru Maldives to host Plastic Aa Nulaa Event in Hulhumale...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Plastic pollution has become a pressing global issue, and in response, an event organised by Muni Foundation together with Fushifaru M...

Thu 25. Apr 13:55 - Violinist Petar Markoski to host unforgettable musical performances ... in Sun Siyam
Maldives In sider - Maldives
Established musician Petar Markoski, a talented violinist, singer, and songwriter from Ohrid, Macedonia, is set to perform at Sun Siyam Re...

Thu 25. Apr 13:50 - Avani+ Fares Maldives Resort appoints Thaaif Ahmed appointed as Director of Sales
Maldives In sider - Maldives
Avani+ Fares Maldives Resort, part of Minor Hotels, has announced the appointment of Thaaif Ahmed as the Director of Sales & Marketing...

Thu 25. Apr 13:45 - Land from Thilafushi to go up for sale, solely for locals
Sun Online - Maldives
Housing Development Corporation (HDC) states preparations are underway to open land plots for sale from Thilafushi; this time specific for ...
courtesy Sun Online - Thilafushi island with new land

Thu 25. Apr 13:40 - The Most Luxurious Places to Stay in the Maldives
yahoo! - USA
Look up paradise in the dictionary, and you’ll find a picture of the Maldives’ sugar-white sands and palm-fringed waters. Far-flung but well ...

Thu 25. Apr 13:35 - Inside Charlotte Dawson's incredible Maldives holiday as star confidently poses in bikini
OK! - UK
Reality TV star and doting mum-of-two Charlotte Dawson showed off her incredible figure ... in the Maldives. Charlotte Dawson has been s...

Thu 25. Apr 13:30 - Muizzu’s balancing act in the Maldives
The Kathmandu Post - Nepal
Several powers are contesting for influence in the Indian Ocean countries. Muizzus balancing act in the Maldives. The Maldives held its m...

Wed 24. Apr 14:05 - Fortifying Angsana Velavarus dedication ... with Earth Day celebration
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Angsana Velavaru, an all-inclusive premium resort nestled in South Nilandhe Atoll and a leading advocate for environmental stewardship ...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Tree planting for the Earth Day

Wed 24. Apr 14:00 - Dusit Thani Maldives celebrates Earth Day with range of sustainable initiatives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Dusit Thani Maldives has celebrated Earth Day with a series of initiatives aimed at promoting sustainability and environmental conservatio...

Wed 24. Apr 13:55 - Over 700,000 tourists visit Maldives so far in 2024
The Edition - Maldives
While the number of tourist arrivals to Maldives so far this year has reached 728,000, the average duration of tourists' stay in the country ha...

Wed 24. Apr 13:50 - Siyam Seeks $165 Million Government Loan Guarantee for Resort Development
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
Prominent businessman and Member of Parliament for Meedhoo Constituency Ahmed Siyam Mohamed has officially requested a USD 16...

Wed 24. Apr 13:45 - Air Service World Congress 2024 to be held in Kurumbaa Maldives
PSM News - Maldives
The Air Service World Congress serves as a significant platform for international representatives from the route development community to...

Wed 24. Apr 13:40 - Baccarat Hotel & Residences Maldives set to open in 2027
Hotel Designs - GB
SH Hotels & Resorts, the hospitality management company founded by visionary Barry Sternlicht, Chairman and CEO of Starwood Capital...

Wed 24. Apr 13:35 - A Shark swallows a Diver’s Camera in the Maldives and delivers terrifying footage
WECB Radio - USA
Imagine diving into the crystal-clear waters of the Maldives, camera in hand, ready to capture the underwater splendor, only to have a tige...

Wed 24. Apr 13:30 - Located on one of the world's busiest sea routes, the Maldives lies in China's orbit
The Informant - New Zealand
China wins the legislative elections in the Maldives. Diplomats and analysts believe that the overwhelming victory achieved by President ...

Wed 24. Apr 13:25 - China and India compete for influence in the Maldives
DW Deutsche Welle - Germany
The two Asian giants are vying for favor with the Indian Ocean archipelago state, where a pro-Beijing party just won a parliamentary electi...

Tue 23. Apr 15:10 - Gov’t Confident of Completion of Passenger Terminal by September
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
Minister of Economic Development and Trade Mohamed Saeed has expressed optimism about completing the new passenger terminal at...
courtesy Corporate Maldives - Planned VIA Airport

Tue 23. Apr 15:05 - 3 world-class resorts at CROSSROADS Maldives get nominations in Condé Nast ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The renowned travel magazine Condé Nast Traveller has unveiled the nominees for the much anticipated 2024 Readers’ Choice Awards. ...

Tue 23. Apr 15:00 - Fifth edition of Vacations Expo to begin tomorrow
Sun Online - Maldives
Highrise states the preparations for the fifth edition of ‘Vacations Expo’, set to commence tomorrow, are complete. Highrise said the Vacati...

Tue 23. Apr 14:55 - SINC 2024 - Day 1 in Maldives - Dr Emma Gatti gives her outlook to the conference
spacewatch global - USA
Emma Gatti is at the Space for Island Nations Conference 2024 and will be walking us through all the wonderful events planned during thi...

Tue 23. Apr 14:50 - Chef Mauro Panebianco visits InterContinental Maldives
ttg - USA
Renowned Chef Mauro Panebianco is set to visit InterContinental Maldives Maamunagau Resort from 27th April to 4th May. With an illustr...

Tue 23. Apr 14:45 - Araiya Hotels and Resorts set to make its mark in Maldives and Sri Lanka
Hotelier Indias - USA
Expanding beyond the Indian shores, Araiya Hotels and Resorts is set to make its mark in international destinations, including Maldives an...

Tue 23. Apr 14:40 - Going solo in the Maldives was life-affirming
Women's Health - USA
Why should honeymooners get first dibs at paradise?. The Maldives are heaven on earth - and seemingly conjured from the middle of the ...

Tue 23. Apr 14:35 - Experts warn of China trap after Maldives ruling party secures supermajority ...
ANI - India
Experts warn of China trap after Maldives ruling party secures supermajority in parliamentary elections, foreign affairs experts expressed co...

Mon 22. Apr 14:00 - 1000th Oceanic Manta Spotted in Maldives Waters
MV+ - Maldives
The Maldives Manta Conservation Programme (MMCP) have identified the 1.000th oceanic mantas (Mobula birostris) from the Maldives w...

Mon 22. Apr 13:55 - Encounter of majesty: Whale Shark sighting at Vilamendhoo Island Resort
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Measuring an impressive 6.5 meters, a majestic whale shark was recently spotted gliding gracefully through the enthralling house reef of Vi...

Mon 22. Apr 13:50 - Velana International Airport to Host Air Service World Congress 2024 in July
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
Velana International Airport (VIA) is set to be the official host of the prestigious Air Service World Congress 2024, marking the first time the...

Mon 22. Apr 13:45 - PNC to host victory rally following landslide win in parliamentary election
Avas - Maldives
The ruling Peoples' National Congress (PNC) will hold a special rally tonight to celebrate its victory in Sunday's parliamentary election. Ac...

Mon 22. Apr 13:40 - Manta Passion fortnight in the Maldives
Divernet - GB
Sometime you need to book well ahead for the special trips and enjoy the sense of anticipation, which is what Manta Expeditions is asking...

Mon 22. Apr 13:35 - Dr Johanna Leonhardt, marine biologist at Soneva Fushi in the Maldives
Karryon - Australia
Diving twice a day in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve off one of the largest islands in the Maldives might sound like a holiday to most, but it...

Mon 22. Apr 13:30 - How Reliable Are Twin Otter Seaplanes in the Maldives?
AirlineRatings - USA
How reliable are the Twin Otter seaplanes that operate across the Maldives which is made up of over 1190 tiny islets spread over an area e...

Mon 22. Apr 13:25 - President Muizzu's Party Wins Maldives Polls. What This Means For India
NDTV - India
The Majlis was earlier dominated by Maldivian Democratic Party, led by Muizzu's pro-India predecessor Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. In what ...

Mon 22. Apr 13:20 - Maldives: Pro-China party led by Muizzu wins by landslide
Getty Images Maldives' President Mohamed Muizzu (centre, in white) along with his supporters take part in an election campaign rally on t...

Sun 21. Apr 14:50 - Take time out to rejuvenate mind, body, soul at Mirihi Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Escape to Mirihi Island Maldives’ tropical shores between the 22nd and the 27th April 2024 to discover transformative experiences. Immers...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Hatha or Lyengar Yoga with Danushkha, the Resident Yogi

Sun 21. Apr 14:45 - Mirihi Island Resort hosts wellness week
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Mirihi Island Resort invites you to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul during their Wellness Week, taking place from April 22nd to 27th, 2...

Sun 21. Apr 14:40 - BBM re-ignites culinary innovation with Master Baker Steven in Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Bestbuy Maldives (BBM) and IREKS are bringing back Master Baker Steven Selvamuthu for another exceptional training session in the Ma...

Sun 21. Apr 14:35 - Maumoon, Nasheed and Solih casts their vote
One online - Maldives
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, former President Mohamed Nasheed and former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih have vot...

Sun 21. Apr 14:30 - Voting continues in Male’ as feels like temperature rises to scorching 44C
Sun Online - Maldives
The feels like temperature in the Maldivian capital rose to a scorching 44 degrees Celsius on Sunday, as tens of thousands of Maldivians v...

Sun 21. Apr 14:25 - Maldives gains historic win over India in Special Olympics Football
The Edition - Maldives
Maldives has gained a historic first-ever victory in Special Olympics Football after facing off with India at the South Asia 7-a-Side Unified F...

Sun 21. Apr 14:20 - Maldives Triumphs in Two Categories at Japan’s Marine Diving Awards
The Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC / Visit Maldives) is thrilled to announce the Maldives’ impressive achie...

Sun 21. Apr 14:15 - This tranquil Maldives resort taught me how to really slow down
Glamour Magazine - USA
This place offers ... the prospect of a switched-off week in the Maldives did at first make me wonder: what am I going to do all day? And no...

Sun 21. Apr 14:10 - Welcome to Thilafushi, the Maldives island built entirely from trash
yahoo! - USA
In the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean, the government decided to do something rather drastic to fix this problem in the ea...

Sun 21. Apr 14:05 - Maldives votes in the shadow of India-China rivalry
The Standard - Kenia
Voting got under way in the Maldives Sunday in a parliamentary election likely to test President Mohamed Muizzu's tilt towards China and...

Sat 20. Apr 14:55 - The Ozen Collection vies for top Russia award
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The Ozen Collection’s charming private islands in Malé Atoll, Ozen Reserve Bolifushi and Ozen Life Maadhoo are both shortlisted in the p...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Ozen Life Maadhoo island resort

Sat 20. Apr 14:50 - Siyam World Maldives to host multitude of Spring Football Camps by int. legends
Maldives Insider - Maldives
As part of its ongoing line-up of five-star experiences, Siyam World Maldives kicked off a series of unforgettable spring football camps featu...

Sat 20. Apr 14:45 - Conrad Maldives Rangali Island welcomes Ministry of Crab for ... culinary experience
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Conrad Maldives Rangali Island is to collaborate with the internationally acclaimed Ministry of Crab for an exclusive culinary pop-up event...

Sat 20. Apr 14:40 - Cinnamon Hakuraa Huraa Maldives unveils exclusive residents and expats offer
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Cinnamon Hakuraa Huraa Maldives has launched an exclusive offer promising a blend of adventure, for residents and expats. The offer, ta...

Sat 20. Apr 14:35 - MNDF continues search for missing vessel, using drones too
The Press - Maldives
Maldives National Defence Force MNDF says it has searched 440 square nautical miles by sea and air to find the missing reef fishing sea v...

Sat 20. Apr 14:30 - Heavy rain predicted in southern atolls on Saturday
Raajje - Maldives
Rain showers will continue to prevail across the Maldives in the south, on Saturday. On Friday, some islands in southern atolls experienced...
courtesy Raajje - Island flooded due to rain showers

Sat 20. Apr 14:25 - Decline in Indian tourists visiting Maldives this year
The Maldives, a premier destination for global tourists, has experienced a noticeable decline in visitors from India in the first quarter of this...

Sat 20. Apr 14:20 - Maldives Selected as Official Destination Partner for ITB China 2024
The Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC), also known as Visit Maldives, is thrilled to share that Maldives has been...

Sat 20. Apr 14:15 - Visit Maldives showcases ultimate Travel Paradise at World Travel Market Latin ...
Visit Maldives, in collaboration with nine industry partners, recently showcased the Sunny Side of Life at WTM Latin America (WTM LATA...

Sat 20. Apr 14:10 - Elle Escapes: Maldives
Elle - France
Located smack in the middle of the Indian Ocean and a solid 8,760 miles from New York City, the Maldives are the ideal vacation destinat...

Sat 20. Apr 14:05 - Indian tourist arrivals to Maldives drop by over 50pc
Indian tourist arrivals to Maldives: The decline in Indian tourist arrivals coincides with a period of strained diplomatic relations between Ind...

Fri 19. Apr 15:00 - Shamha breaks national record in Germany
The Edition - Maldives
Shamha Ahmed breaks the Maldives record by finishing fourth in the 5,000 meter race in Germany with a time of 19 minutes and 42.45 se...
courtesy The Edition - Shamha Ahmed

Fri 19. Apr 14:55 - Villa Park wins prestigious TUI Global Hotel Award 2024
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Villa Park, a tropical island resort nestled in the South Ari Atoll of the Maldives has announced its recognition as a Quality Winner at the T...

Fri 19. Apr 14:50 - Fun amplified: Hard Rock Hotel Maldives unveils Summer Camp-Cation 4.0
Maldives Insider - Maldives
This summer, Hard Rock Hotel Maldives is turning up the volume with the launch of its highly anticipated Summer Camp-Cation 4.0. Com...

Fri 19. Apr 14:45 - Maldives resort reveals new sustainability initiatives
ttg media - USA
NH Collection Maldives Havodda Resort has unveiled new sustainability initiatives ahead of World Earth Day this April. NH Collection Mald...

Fri 19. Apr 14:40 - Sailing, soccer & sustainability: Summer programming at Patina Maldives Fari Islands
Breaking Travel News - GB
Guests can enjoy a dynamic array of ... Patina Maldives, Fari Islands has officially announced its immersive summer programming featurin...

Fri 19. Apr 14:35 - The Ritz-Carlton Maldives create transformative retreats
Because where else than the Maldives would you go for some serious R&R ... why the Ritz-Carlton in the Maldives have created the ultimat...

Fri 19. Apr 14:30 - Ananda’s Ayurvedic Expertise from the Himalayas arrives at The Nautilus in Maldives
The Nautilus, a luxurious private island sanctuary nestled in the Maldives, will welcome two esteemed practitioners from the renowned hol...

Fri 19. Apr 14:25 - Siyam World Maldives Partners with Michael Owen & SV2
Salon Privé Magazine - USA
Siyam World Maldives, renowned for its exceptional five-star experiences, recently collaborated with Football Escapes to introduce two pre...

Fri 19. Apr 14:20 - Maldives feels the pinch as Indians shun the islands. What do numbers say?
Business Standard - GB
Only 34,847 Indian tourists visited the Maldives in the first quarter of this year, down from 56,208 in the same period last year - a 38 per ce...

Fri 19. Apr 14:15 - 'India Out' campaign hits Maldives where it hurts the most: Island sees 38% drop in ...
Business Today - India
Maldives faced severe backlash and a boycott campaign after multiple Maldivian officials, including its ministers, used derogatory remarks ...

Fri 19. Apr 14:10 - Is Maldives Ready for Its Tactical Drones?
The Diplomat - USA
Maldives has launched its first tactical drones. The eyes in the sky will improve the country’s defense force’s monitoring, surveillance, and d...

Fri 19. Apr 14:05 - A former Maldives president is freed after high court throws out his 11-year sentence
The Independent - USA
A court in the Maldives on Thursday threw out former President Abdulla Yameens 11-year prison sentence on money laundering and bribe...

Thu 18. Apr 15:00 - Renowned integrative movement Therapist Mins Teo to lead ... at Patina Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Patina Maldives is inviting guests to immerse themselves in a realm of holistic rejuvenation with Mins Teo, an acclaimed Integrative Move...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Mins Teo, a movement Therapist and Certified Pilates and Gyrotonic Instructor

Thu 18. Apr 14:55 - Savouring paradise: Taste of Mediterranean cuisine at Kuramathi’s Palm
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Indulge in exquisite culinary delights at Palm, the ultimate all-day destination at Kuramathi Maldives. From 11am to 10:30pm, guests can...

Thu 18. Apr 14:50 - Wellness Your Way: JA Manafaru offers curated retreat experiences
Maldives Insider - Maldives
JA Manafaru, the private island resort nestled in the Maldives’ serene Haa Alifu Atoll, is expanding its wellness offerings with five distinct re...

Thu 18. Apr 14:45 - MMPRC Extends Deadline for Participation in ITB China 2024
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC / Visit Maldives) is proud to announce that Maldives has been chosen as the ...

Thu 18. Apr 14:40 - Regional Airports Company takes charge of L. Kadhdhoo Airport operations
Avas - Maldives
The operation of Laamu Kadhdhoo Airport has been officially passed to Regional Airports Company Limited. Regional Airports said the co...

Thu 18. Apr 14:35 - Coral Bleaching imperils Maldives’ Economy: Tourism and Livelihoods at Risk
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
Coral reefs, often referred to as the “rainforests of the sea,• are the vibrant and diverse heart of the Maldives’ marine ecosystem. But these s...
courtesy Corporate Maldives - Coral Bleaching Imperils Maldives Economy

Thu 18. Apr 14:30 - CROSSROADS Maldives: Your Gateway to Paradise
Salon Privé Magazine - GB
Found within the embrace of the Indian Ocean lies CROSSROADS Maldives, a newly established multi-island leisure destination that emb...

Thu 18. Apr 14:25 - Newly-opened Soneva Secret is most expensive resort in Maldives
Business Recorder - USA
Rooms begin at $3,200 a night with rates going as high as $11,000. Soneva Secret - the latest offering by the luxury resort chain – opened...

Thu 18. Apr 14:20 - Night Diving + Underwater Photography at The Nautilus Maldives
Drift - USA
Ultra-luxury private island resort The Nautilus Maldives has announced its inaugural Ocean Discovery Week, taking place from July 24th to ...

Thu 18. Apr 14:15 - It Takes Two (Chefs and Hearts!): Season Two at Baraabaru Four Seasons Resort...
Hospi Buzz - USA
A tantalising culinary sequel unfolds from April 2,2024 in the dramatic lagoon-top setting of Baraabaru at Four Seasons Resort Maldives a...

Thu 18. Apr 14:10 - 'I spent £416 on dream Maldives holiday - it's cheaper than people think'
Mirror - UK
Natasha Whitley, 28, had planned a trip to Sri Lanka but - having realised the Maldives was just a 90-minute flight away from the south Asi...

Thu 18. Apr 14:05 - Charlotte Dawson 'shares everything' about luxurious family trip to Maldives
The Gazette - UK
Blackpool born celebrity Charlotte has promised to “share everything• about her luxurious family trip to the Maldives with her family as she ...

Thu 18. Apr 14:00 - Maldives India-hater President is 'corrupt' to the core! May be impeached soon
Zee News - USA
A leaked report claimed involvement of Muizzu in corruption in 2018, a charge dismissed by him. Known for his hate for India and pro-Ch...

Wed 17. Apr 14:40 - SO/ Maldives nominated for Condé Nast Traveler’s 2024 Readers Choice Awards
Maldives Insider - Maldives
SO/ Maldives, the luxurious island retreat nestled within the Emboodhoo Lagoon, has been nominated for the prestigious Condé Nast Trav...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Sunset over SO/ Maldives

Wed 17. Apr 14:35 - Guinness world record holder Nathaniel Alapide creates sand art drawing at Sun ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Dubai-based and renowned sand artist Nathaniel Alapide, Guinness World Record holder of the largest sand image, astounded guests with...

Wed 17. Apr 14:30 - Marriott Seeks Hospitality Talent in the Maldives
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
Marriott International Maldives has expanded its commitment to cultivating local hospitality talent with the announcement of recruitment o...

Wed 17. Apr 14:25 - UK surpasses Russia as second largest tourism market in the Maldives
Avas - Maldives
The UK has overtaken Russia as the second-largest tourism market in the Maldives. According to figures released by the Tourism Ministry, t...

Wed 17. Apr 14:20 - Swells forecast for South and Central Maldives
Sun Online - Maldives
Maldives Meteorological Center (MET Office) on Wednesday has forecast southern and central parts of Maldives will experience sea swells...

Wed 17. Apr 14:15 - Shocking Discovery of Mutilated Sharks in Marine Protected Area
MV+ - Maldives
A shocking video surfaced on social media yesterday, depicting three grey sharks cruelly mutilated and weighed down by concrete blocks o...

Wed 17. Apr 14:10 - Dive Deep into luxury at this Maldives Ocean Patadise
The Times - UK
Snorkelling and scuba diving ... Should you gaze at the dazzling blue water surrounding the Maldives resort of Angsana Velavaru you mig...

Wed 17. Apr 14:05 - The Maldives’ Newest Resort Is Also Its Most Expensive. Here’s a Look Inside
Bloomberg - USA
Soneva Secret has the atoll’s first floating villa, 24/7 butler service and an on-site astronomer to point out the stars. Stays start at $3,200 a ...

Wed 17. Apr 14:00 - Destination Maldives: SO/ Maldives blends Riviera chic into idyllic tropical retreat
fact magazines - Canada
What happens when high-end fashion meets castaway island living? With 1,192 islands, 883 guesthouses, 172 resorts, and 26 atolls, decid...

Wed 17. Apr 13:55 - Maldives' glowing waters: Fact or fiction?
The Finanzial Express - Bangladesh
The Maldives boasts a captivating phenomenon known as the 'Sea of Stars' where the ocean illuminates with a magical blue glow at nigh...

Wed 17. Apr 13:50 - JW Marriott Maldives: A remote paradise delivering world-class hospitality
Luxury London - UK
Yes, the Maldives is far away ... It isn’t hyperbole to say that the Maldives is paradise. For a hotelier, however, it also presents something of...

Wed 17. Apr 13:45 - Maldives Tries to Win Back Indian Tourists As Arrivals Fall 40%
Skift Research - USA
While Maldives enjoys record-breaking arrivals, its tourism companies aren't about to let the Indian market keep falling. They're on a missio...

Tue 16. Apr 15:35 - Soneva Secret whispers: Bespoke luxury unveiled in Haa Dhaalu Atoll
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Soneva, the hospitality group synonymous with sustainable luxury has unveiled its newest masterpiece: Soneva Secret. Nestled in the Ma...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Soneva Secret Water-Vilas and Seaplane

Tue 16. Apr 15:30 - Green Globe Recertification for VARU by Atmosphere
Maldives Insider - Maldives
VARU by Atmosphere has secured the prestigious Green Globe Recertification for sustainable resort operations, following a rigorous audit...

Tue 16. Apr 15:25 - MMPRC promotes Dive Adventures and Breathtaking Maldivian Seascapes at ADEX
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC / Visit Maldives), along with 6 industry partners, promoted the breathtaking u...

Tue 16. Apr 15:20 - Two cruiseliners docks near Male’; tenth so far this year
Sun Online - Maldives
Two cruiseliners arrived in the Maldives yesterday. Maldives Association of Yacht Agency (MAYA), in a post on X said one of the cruiselin...

Tue 16. Apr 15:15 - Maldives Showcased at Asia's Biggest Dive Expo
PSM News - Maldives
Maldives Marketing and Public Cooperation (MMPRC) has promoted Maldives at Asia's largest dive expo, Adex Ocean Mission 2024. Not...

Tue 16. Apr 15:10 - Registration Open for Free Marine Protected Area Management Course
MV+ - Maldives
The Maldives National University (MNU) has announced the commencement of registrations for a Marine Protected Area Management sh...

Tue 16. Apr 15:05 - Court orders seizure of Sri Lanka boat, slaps MVR 700,000 fine
Sun Online - Maldives
The Civil Court has ordered the owner of a Sri Lankan vessel found fishing illegally in the Maldives' Exclusive Economic Zone to pay an ...
courtesy Sun Online - 3 Sri Lankan fishing boats found fishing illegally in Maldives - (Photo by the MNDF) MNDF

Tue 16. Apr 15:00 - 1,000 oceanic manta rays seen in the Maldives
Discover Wildlife - USA
Landmark moment as 1,000th individual oceanic manta ray is recorded in Maldivian waters. The Indian Ocean archipelago has the third...

Tue 16. Apr 14:55 - Hotel review: Seaside Finolhu Baa Atoll, Maldives
The Mail - UK
If, like me, you thought the Maldives was strictly for honeymooners, you’re seriously missing out. Made up of around 1,200 coral islands (j...

Tue 16. Apr 14:50 - Experience ultimate Romance at Nova Maldives with Newly launched ... Packages
Nova Maldives, located in the stunning South Ari Atoll warmly welcomes couples looking for a romantic getaway at its soft-luxury resort. T...

Tue 16. Apr 14:45 - Kandima Maldives celebrates Eid with astonishing magic show by ... Moein Al Bastaki
As Eid 2024 festivities concluded, Kandima Maldives, an innovative island resort, marked the end of a mesmerizing celebration with the '...

Tue 16. Apr 14:40 - SO/ Maldives Grand Opening
Salon Privé Magazine - USA
S Hotels and Resorts PCL (SET: SHR) ... recently announced the grand opening of SO/ Maldives, marking a significant milestone in the e...

Tue 16. Apr 14:35 - Avantika Mishra's dreamy Maldives getaway creates social media frenzy
Deccan Herald - USA
Giving fans a glimpse of her vacation in the Maldives, actress Avantika Mishra dropped a series of pictures showing her escape to serenity...

Tue 16. Apr 14:30 - India-Maldives row fallout? New Delhi imposes port restrictions for exporting ...
First Post - India
Essential commodities falling under the prohibited/restricted category will now be exported to the Maldives only through four designated ...

Tue 16. Apr 14:25 - CEO of Maldives tuna firm suspended over corruption allegations
Undercurrent News - France
A government body has extended the suspension of MIFCO CEO Ahmed Shamah Rasheed as it investigates multiple claims reported via...

Mon 15. Apr 12:35 - Sun Siyam Iru Fushi Maldives to host Int. Yoga Day ... with Yoga expert Preeti Kalia
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sun Siyam Iru Fushi has announced its upcoming celebration of International Yoga Day on June 21st, 2024, featuring renowned yoga ex...

Mon 15. Apr 12:30 - Maldives among top choices for babymoon romance
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Maldives has soared into the top 5 most popular babymoon destinations according to a new study by My 1st Years. Babymoons, pre-baby ...

Mon 15. Apr 12:25 - Sirru Fen Fushi to operate as an independent luxury resort (no longer Fairmont)
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sirru Fen Fushi, a private island in the Maldives’ remote Shaviyani Atoll will now operate as an independent luxury resort after six years w...

Mon 15. Apr 12:20 - Seaside Finolhu Baa Atoll Maldives appoints Warren Moore as Executive Chef
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Seaside Finolhu Baa Atoll Maldives has announced the appointment of Warren Moore as the resort’s new Executive Chef. Chef Warren M...

Mon 15. Apr 12:15 - W Maldives promotes Ahmed Zahir and Ismail Saeed to key management positions
Maldives Insider - Maldives
W Maldives has announced the well-deserved promotions of two of its dedicated team members, Ahmed Zahir and Ismail Saeed, effectiv...

Mon 15. Apr 12:10 - Maldives Wins in 2 Categories at the Marine Diving Awards in Japan
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/ Visit Maldives) is pleased to announce that the Maldives has been award...

Mon 15. Apr 12:05 - Luxury Tourism for H.Dh Atoll: Soneva Secret Resort Opens
The Edition - Maldives
Soneva, renowned for operating eco-friendly and sustainable luxury resorts in the Maldives, has opened a new resort in Haa Dhaalu Ato. ...

Mon 15. Apr 12:00 - Tourist arrivals surpass 680,000-mark
Raajje - Maldives
Maldives has welcomed more than 680,000 tourists so far this year. This was revealed by the Ministry of Tourism through its latest daily to...

Mon 15. Apr 11:55 - MET Office Issues White Alert From North to Central Atolls
MV+ - Maldives
The Maldives Meteorological Service (MMS) has issued a white alert for the region spanning from Haa Alifu Atoll to Laamu Atoll. This al...

Mon 15. Apr 11:50 - 12 people moved to temporary shelters after flooding in Feevah
Sun Online - Maldives
A dozen people have been moved to temporary shelters after torrential rain hit Sh. Feevah last weekend, resulting in extensive flooding. ...
courtesy Sun Online - A person places sandbags in front of a house in Sh. Feevah amid heavy flooding

Mon 15. Apr 11:45 - Maldives tourism body planning roadshows to call Indian visitors back
Times of India - Canada
A tourism body from the Maldives is planning to host roadshows in Indian cities to lure back holidayers who have boycotted the island nat...

Mon 15. Apr 11:40 - Unveiling Paradise At The Cocoon Collection In The Maldives
Travel+Leisure - USA
Unleash your inner island castaway and dive headfirst into Maldivian magic with The Cocoon Collection. Consider it your portal to paradi...

Mon 15. Apr 11:35 - We flew aboard BeOnd, the airline that will start ... between Milan and the Maldives
The Flight Club - Italy
At the end of last November, BeOnd's Airbus A319 was plying the skies between Europe, Saudi Arabia and the Maldives. It is a unique air...

Sun 14. Apr 14:50 - Catch the wind with Youri Zoon Kitesurfing World Champion ... at COMO Cocoa Island
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Embark on an exhilarating kitesurfing odyssey from May 6th to 20th, 2024, at COMO Cocoa Island alongside Youri Zoon, celebrated for s...
courtesy VisitMaldives - Kitesurfing Champion Youri Zoon

Sun 14. Apr 14:45 - Patina Maldives, Fari Islands nets exclusive Football Camp ... with the Real Madrid
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Maldives-first Real Madrid Foundation football camp. Youth Foundation Coach Will Lead 14-Times European Champions’ First Partner S...

Sun 14. Apr 14:40 - Intercont. Maldives welcomes Chef Mauro Panebianco for an exclusive Residency
VisitMaldives - Maldives
InterContinental Maldives Maamunagau Resort is pleased to announce a week-long residency with Mauro Panebianco, an excellent chef...

Sun 14. Apr 14:35 - Soneva Secret opens in Haa Dhaalu atoll
Dun Online - Maldives
Leading sustainable luxury resort operator, Soneva, has unveiled its new ultra-bespoke property Soneva Secret. The new property is desig...

Sun 14. Apr 14:30 - Summer Island Maldives recognised as Global Hotel Awards Quality Winner 2024 ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Summer Island Maldives has been honoured as a ‘Global Hotel Awards Quality Winner’ for 2024 by TUI Group, a renowned German touri...

Sun 14. Apr 14:25 - Nilandhoo opens applications for 129 land plots
Sun Online - Maldives
The local council has opened applications for 129 plots of public land from F.Nilandhoo. According to an announcement published by th...

Sun 14. Apr 14:20 - Male' at a standstill with heavy downpours
The Edition - Maldives
After soaring temperatures over the past few weeks across the Maldives especially in the Male' region, heavy downpours on Saturday brou...

Sun 14. Apr 14:15 - Five houses damaged by heavy rains, residents provided with temporary shelter
One online - Maldives
The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has provided temporary shelter to five households affected by floods in the city last ...

Sun 14. Apr 14:10 - 57 places in Malè report flooding following heavy rain
One online - Maldives
Heavy rains have caused flooding in 57 places in Malé city since this evening. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) said ...
courtesy One online - 57 places in Male report flooding following heavy rain

Sun 14. Apr 14:05 - Ozen Reserve Bolifushi scores 87% in sustainability with Green Globe Recertification
Ozen Reserve Bolifushi in the Maldives was recently recertified by Green Globe. Initially certified in 2015, the private island has shown c...

Sun 14. Apr 14:00 - Island Couture: SO/ Maldives - Where Fashion Meets Luxury
Salon Privé Magazine - USA
The Maldives, renowned for its breathtaking beauty, stands as a beacon of luxury travel, attracting discerning explorers seeking unparallele..

Sun 14. Apr 13:55 - Roadshow, influencer, media trips: How Maldives ... decline in Indian tourists
mint - USA
The Maldives Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators (MATATO) aims to enhance travel and tourism between the Maldives and...

Sun 14. Apr 13:50 - Beond Airlines launches commercial passenger flight from Dubai to Maldives
Times Aerospace - GB
Beond, the world’s first premium leisure airline, this week commenced its inaugural flight from Dubai’s Al Maktoum International Airport t ...

Sat 13. Apr 15:00 - It takes 2 (Chefs and Hearts!): Season 2 at Baraabaru at Four Seasons ... Kuda Huraa
Maldives Insider - Maldives
A tantalising culinary sequel unfolds from April 2, 2024 in the dramatic lagoon-top setting of Baraabaru at Four Seasons Resort Maldives ...
courtesy Maldives Insider - St. Regis Maldives Resort aerial-view

Sat 13. Apr 14:55 - Marriott Int. doubles down on luxury in the Maldives with focus on sustainability ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Marriott International is solidifying its position as a leader in Maldivian luxury hospitality, boasting seven resorts across the archipelago’s s...

Sat 13. Apr 14:50 - History and Future of Velana International Airport as it marks 58 years of service
The Edition - Maldives
Velana International Airport (VIA) is a key contributor to the Maldives economy as was made evident during the shocks felt by the econom...

Sat 13. Apr 14:45 - Gov’t signs MoU to redevelop Kadhdhoo Airport as an int'l airport
Raajje - Maldives
The MoU was signed between the government of Maldives and China CAMC Engineering Co. Ltd. The Laamu Integrated Maritime Hub ...

Sat 13. Apr 14:40 - White alert issued for region between Haa Alifu Atoll and Vaavu Atoll
PSM News - Maldives
Maldives Meteorological Service (Met Office) has issued a white alert for the region between Haa Alifu Atoll and Vaavu Atoll. The Met O...

Sat 13. Apr 14:35 - Tedry's 'Lasviyas' movie' has premiered in theatres
The Edition - Maldives
'Lasviyas' movie directed by Tedry has premiered at the Olympus theatre last night. The movie stars Washiya Mohamed, Mohamed Ahme...
courtesy The Edition - A poster of the movie Lasviyas which translates to Even if late

Sat 13. Apr 14:30 - Global Spotlight: Luxury Island Living in the Maldives
RISMedia - USA
Companies of the World®, is pleased to have Soneva Villa Ownership in its collection of fine developments. This month, we explore wha...

Sat 13. Apr 14:25 - Baraabaru at Four Seasons Maldives unveils exquisite new menu ...
From April 2, 2024, Baraabaru at Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa unveils a captivating new menu continuing the culinary c...

Sat 13. Apr 14:20 - Maldives In Discussion with India to pay in local Currency for Imports
NDTV - India
Maldives is in talks with India to pay for imports in local currency, Maldivian Rufiyaa aiming to save foreign exchange reserves and shift a...

Sat 13. Apr 14:15 - Maldives to allow settling import payments using Chinese currency
News - China
Maldivian Minister of Economic Development and Trade Mohamed Saeed has said that Maldivians will soon have the option to settle th...

Sat 13. Apr 14:10 - U.S. urges action on ‘generational’ debt risks, calls out China
Spokesman - USA
The Sinamale Bridge - formerly known as the China-Maldives Friendship Bridge after a major funding input from China - on September 1...

Fri 12. Apr 14:35 - An Awareness Event, A New Record - Shafraz's impressive 50-hour diving odyssey
Sun Online - Maldives
Shafraz Naeem; a veteran diver with a decorated 27-year career successfully completes his 50-hour dive which coincided with the 50th an...

Fri 12. Apr 14:30 - Karis Scarlette’s Dance & Wellness Retreat returns to Avani+ Fares Maldives Resort
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Nestled amidst the crystalline waters of Baa Atoll, Avani+ Fares Maldives Resort beckons as a haven for wellness enthusiasts. The belove ...

Fri 12. Apr 14:25 - Maldives signs with Chinese firm for Laamu Integrated Maritime Hub Project
PSM News - Maldives
Agreements pertaining to the Laamu Integrated Maritime Hub Project have been signed with a Chinese company, aiming to accomplish ...

Fri 12. Apr 14:20 - Maldivian resumes flights between Trivandrum and Hanimaadhoo
PSM News - Maldives
The national airline, Maldivian, has resumed the flights from Hanimaadhoo International Airport to Trivandrum, India. The operation of t...

Fri 12. Apr 14:15 - Program seeks to get Maldivian women into the swim of things
Nikkei Asia - Japan
Lack of female instructors, busy parents, gender stereotypes keep girls out of the water ... minath Shifza, a mother of four young children i ...

Fri 12. Apr 14:10 - Soul Festival: Soneva Fushi Celebrates Mindfulness and Self-care
Falstaff Travel - Austria
Kundalini yoga, dance, HIIT and meditation are just some of the many activities that you can look forward to at the SOUL Festival on Son...

Fri 12. Apr 14:05 - Soneva Secret opens in the Maldives’ Haa Dhaalu Atoll
Signature Luxury Travel - Australia
Discover a world of unrivalled luxury and immersive nature-based experiences at Soneva Secret 2024. Soneva is one of the worlds leadin...

Fri 12. Apr 14:00 - Baa Atoll Ballet Returns to Avani+ Fares Maldives Resort for a Spectacular Encore
Nestled amidst the crystalline waters of Baa Atoll, Avani+ Fares Maldives Resort beckons as a haven for wellness enthusiasts. Exciting new...

Fri 12. Apr 13:55 - 6 Unique Spa Experiences Around the World
Forbes - USA
From stunning views to local ingredients ... The Rainforest Spa at Sugar Beach - St. Lucia ... Conrad Maldives Rangali Island - Maldives: ...

Fri 12. Apr 13:50 - Maldives plans to win back Indian tourists by organising roadshows in India
India Times - Canada
Maldives plans roadshows in Indian cities to attract back Indian tourists after a decline. The roadshows aim to partner with the Indian Hig ...

Fri 12. Apr 13:45 - Hit by boycott, Maldives reaches out to India for tourism boost
Business Today - India
Maldives' tourist association expressed its intention to collaborate closely with the Indian High Commission to bolster tourism initiatives A ...

Fri 12. Apr 13:40 - Damage control
News Today - India
In an apparent bid to woo Indian tourists back to the Maldives ... following derogatory remarks against India and Prime Minister Narendra ...

Thu 11. Apr 14:30 - The Nautilus Maldives announces 2024 collaboration with Ananda in the Himalaya
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The Nautilus, a five-star ultra-luxury private island hideaway in the Maldives, will host two senior practitioners from the world’s most renow...
courtesy Maldives Insider - The Nautilus Maldives Solasta Spa Medium.jpg

Thu 11. Apr 14:25 - Discussions held on enhancing tourism cooperation between Maldives and India
Sun Online - Maldives
Maldives Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators (MATATO) holds discussions with the Indian High Commissioner to the Maldiv...

Thu 11. Apr 14:20 - More than 70,000 tourists arrive from China
PSM News - Maldives
Statistics released by the Ministry of Tourism indicates the arrival of more than 70,000 tourists solely from China. The latest updated repo ...

Thu 11. Apr 14:15 - Male' region records temperature above 48 degrees
One online - Maldives
Greater Male' Region hit record temperature of 48.4 degree celsius on Wednesday, Maldives Meteorology Centre has said. Meteorology ...

Thu 11. Apr 13:10 - Soneva welcomes Sanctum to SOUL Festival
Travel Trade - USA
The mindful movement community will make its Maldivian debut at Soneva Fushi from 9 to 13 October, 2024. Pioneering resort brand S...

Thu 11. Apr 14:05 - Public warned of fake USD now in circulation
The Press - Maldives
Police have urged the public to remain cautious as counterfeit USD notes are currently used in transactions. Sharing the images of the fak...

Thu 11. Apr 14:00 - An Evening of Opulence: Embracing the Azure
that's - China
Waldorf Astoria Maldives Ithaafushi hosted an enchanting affair themed 'An Evening of Opulence: Embracing the Azure' at the Waldorf A...

Thu 11. Apr 13:55 - Nine of the Maldives’ most luxurious dining experiences
The GEO Magazine - USA
The Maldives might be known for its breathtaking beaches and unique thatched roof overwater bungalows, but opulent and extraordinary ...

Thu 11. Apr 13:50 - Great Wall Of Maldives To Be Built in 2024
Cavalier County Extra - USA
In an ambitious endeavor to safeguard its pristine shores and vibrant communities, the Maldives is set to embark on an unprecedented en...

Wed 10. Apr 14:15 - Cinnamon Hotels offers Summer Bucket-list for Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Summer is the perfect time to embark on new experiences and adventures such as snorkeling with a bale of turtles, catching waves or divi...

Wed 10. Apr 14:10 - Conrad Maldives Rangali Island ushers in Thai New Year with Songkran celebrations
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Conrad Maldives Rangali Island has announced its celebration of the Thai New Year, Songkran Festival from 13th – 15th April. This year ...

Wed 10. Apr 14:05 - Maldives will see a full solar eclipse in 2053 in Noonu Velidhoo
The Edition - Maldives
A full solar eclipse was seen in North America yesterday and some people thought the Maldives might see it as well. From Mexico to Can...

Wed 10. Apr 14:00 - Maldives coral reefs under threat from climate change
CGTN - China
The Maldives boasts an exceptional marine ecosystem, and one of the most captivating aspects of its marine life are the coral reefs. For ...

Wed 10. Apr 13:55 - Karis Scarlette Ballet & Wellness Retreat Returns to Avani+ Fares Maldives
Avani+ Fares Maldives Resort, nestled amidst the crystalline waters of Baa Atoll, proudly announces the comeback of its renowned Baa At...

Wed 10. Apr 13:50 - Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts’ launches Summer Bucket-list for Maldives
EIN News - USA
Summer is the perfect time to embark on new experiences and adventures such as snorkeling with a bale of turtles, catching waves or divi...

Wed 10. Apr 13:45 - Grand opening of SO/ Maldives marks milestone in Crossroads project
Breaking Travel News - GB
S Hotels and Resorts PCL the international hospitality company from Singha Estate PCL, has celebrated the grand opening of SO/ Maldi...

Wed 10. Apr 13:40 - How 50 years of tourism has transformed the Maldives
Ireland live - Ireland
Among the nearly 200 picture-perfect resorts in the Maldives, Baros is the stuff of legend. Having recently celebrated its 50th anniversary, ...

Wed 10. Apr 13:35 - Shark attack: Horror attack leaves tourist ... at luxury 5-star resort in the Maldives
National Worls - USA
A horror shark attack saw the predator 'nearly rip off' a tourist’s leg while he swam in crystal-clear waters in the Maldives. A tourist was maul...

Wed 10. Apr 13:30 - Rochelle Humes shows off her incredible figure in a bikini as she goes snorkelling...
Mail Online - UK
Rochelle Humes showed off her incredible figure on Tuesday while snorkelling ... during a luxury family holiday in the Maldives. The Thi ...

Wed 10. Apr 13:25 - Maldives in focus: China’s strategic moves and their impact on regional stability and autonomy
Khabarhub - Nepal
In the heart of the Indian Ocean, the Maldives faces suspicion as the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) raises concerns about a major ag...

Tue 09. Apr 14:20 - Republic Square fountain unveiled for Eid-Al-Fitr
Raajje - Maldives
The Republic Square water fountain has been renovated and unveiled in time for Eid-Al-Fitr. The project was carried out as part of the M...
courtesy Raajje - Grand re-opening of the Jumhooree Fountain - (Photo by the MTCC)

Tue 09. Apr 14:15 - Sheraton Maldives hosts successful second season of Full Moon Futsal Cup
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa celebrated the culmination of the highly anticipated Full Moon Futsal Cup on March 31,2024...

Tue 09. Apr 14:10 - Ocean Discovery Week at Nautilus Maldives
Divernet - USA
Private island resort Nautilus Maldives is running its first Ocean Discovery Week from 24 July, timed to coincide with peak manta ray seaso...

Tue 09. Apr 14:05 - Coral reefs are vital to the Maldives. This is how travelers can help restore them
USA Today - USA
The coral fragment from the seafloor off the coast of the resort Siyam World Maldives in the Noonu Atoll had a stark contrast. One inch of ...

Tue 09. Apr 14:00 - A shark attacks a Russian tourist in the Maldives
UNN - Ukraine
A Russian man was seriously injured after being attacked by a shark that bit his leg while swimming near Nunu Atoll in the Maldives, and ...

Tue 09. Apr 13:55 - Beond Airlines Begins Flight Services From Dubai To Maldives! Details Inside
Curlytales - USA
Beond has begun services to Male in the Maldives from Dubai’s Al Maktoum International Airport (DWC) ... Beond is the world’s first premi...

Tue 09. Apr 13:50 - Raffles Maldives Meradhoo Resort: Hotel in the middle of the ocean
Home Decor - Singapore
To reach this unparalleled property, fly to the southern end of the Maldives archipelago, near the equator. From there, a speedboat is the...

Tue 09. Apr 13:45 - Audra Arul appointed as Cluster Director of Sales for Kandima and Nova Maldives
Breaking Travel News - GB
Kandima Maldives & Nova Maldives are delighted to welcome Audra Arul as the newly appointed Cluster Director of Sales. With over a d...

Tue 09. Apr 13:40 - Marlon Abeyakoon named General Manager for the NH Collection Maldives Havodda
Minor Hotel has announced the appointment of Marlon Abeyakoon as the General Manager of NH Collection Maldives Havodda. A luxur...

Mon 08. Apr 14:30 - Gov’t Eases Restrictions on Sand Mining Near Protected Areas
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
The government has faced criticism after amending regulations to potentially allow sand mining near environmentally sensitive zones. T...
courtesy Corporate Maldives - Sand Mining Near Protected Areas

Mon 08. Apr 14:25 - Summer Island Maldives gets Der Touristik’s Red Star Quality Award
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Summer Island Maldives has recently been awarded the Red Star Quality Award by Der Touristik, one of Europe’s largest tourism compan...

Mon 08. Apr 14:20 - China Remains Dominant Force in Maldives Tourism
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
China has solidified its position as the leading source of tourists for the Maldives, according to the latest statistics released by the Ministry ...

Mon 08. Apr 14:15 - Patina Maldives: Shining Bright in The Luxury Travel Advisor’s Final Round
Patina Maldives stands as the sole Maldivian entrant in The Luxury Travel Advisor’s prestigious annual competition, and it has successfull...

Mon 08. Apr 14:10 - Chef Mauro Panebianco to Dazzle Maldives at InterContinental’s Lighthouse
The InterContinental Maldives Maamunagau Resort has exciting news: Chef Mauro Panebianco, renowned for his exquisite Italian cuisin ...

Mon 08. Apr 14:05 - Audra Arul Appointed Cluster Director of Sales for Kandima and Nova Maldives
ittn - Ireland
Ms Arul has more than 10 years’ experience in the hospitality sector and is seen as a dynamic sales leader with a proven track record of dri...

Mon 08. Apr 14:00 - Why life in Maldives is split between its swanky capital and quaint islands
Times of India - Canada
Maldivians are leaving the islands for the sake of their children looking to Malé and the world beyond. When it comes to education and h...

Mon 08. Apr 13:55 - Maldives: Critical websites blocked while journalists, civil society continue to face ...
Monitor Civicus - GB
The state of civic space is rated as ‘obstructed’ by the CIVICUS Monitor ... Human Rights Watch called on President Muizzu to focus on im...

Mon 08. Apr 13:50 - British Airways stewardess ordered home after drunken row at ... Maldives hotel
yahoo! - USA
British Airways is investigating after a stewardess was ordered home following a drunken altercation at a £2,000-a-night hotel in the Maldi...

Mon 08. Apr 13:45 - Indian Ocean 'Zone of Peace' Sinking in Troubled Waters
InDepthNews - Germany
Just after a group of mercenaries tried to unsuccessfully oust the government of the Maldives in 1979, I asked a Maldivian diplomat, usin ...

Sun 07. Apr 15:10 - SO/ Maldives wins Best Luxury Architectural Design at Liv Hospitality Design Award
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Recently opened luxury lifestyle resort SO/ Maldives has garnered a prestigious award at the Liv Hospitality Design Awards. Recognized fo...
courtesy Maldives Insider -  SO/ Maldives wins Best Luxury Architectural Design

Sun 07. Apr 15:05 - Intercont. Maldives welcomes Chef Mauro Panebianco for exclusive residency
Maldives Insider - Maldives
InterContinental Maldives Maamunagau Resort has announced a week-long residency with Mauro Panebianco, an excellent chef known f...

Sun 07. Apr 15:00 - Coast Guard advises caution in sea travel during Eid holidays
PSM News - Maldives
The Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) Coast Guard has issued a cautionary advisory for travelers during the upcoming Eid al-Fitr ...

Sun 07. Apr 14:55 - Nationwide rain for the next 24 hours; rain in south on Eid
Sun Online - Maldives
Maldives Metrological Service (Met Office) states nationwide rain is expected over the next 24 hours. Met Office has forecast heavy rain a...

Sun 07. Apr 14:50 - Coral reefs are vital to the Maldives. This is how travelers can help restore them
USA Today - USA
The coral fragment from the seafloor off the coast of the resort Siyam World Maldives in the Noonu Atoll had a stark contrast. One inch of ...

Sun 07. Apr 14:45 - Time running out for many Maldives islands
Bangkok Post - Thailand
Splendid isolation attracts tourists, but more locals seeking opportunities in overpopulated capital. Please credit and share this article wit ...

Sun 07. Apr 14:40 - Offbeat eateries - Maldives Underwater Restaurant
yahoo! - USA
Tired of the same old Applebee's and Cracker Barrel fare? ... Imagine eating undersea amidst schools of tropical fish. Occasionally, a sha...

Sun 07. Apr 14:35 - Frankie Bridge shows off ultra-toned physique in daring backless dress on Maldives
Hello! - USA
Frankie Bridge has been soaking up the sun on her dreamy Maldives holiday with her family, and the star was a bronzed beauty as she po...

Sat 06. Apr 14:35 - Nika Island Resort & Spa offers unmatched privacy with private beach villas
MaldivesInsider - Maldives
Nika Island Resort & Spa is redefining the tropical getaway with its exclusive private beach villas. This luxurious resort stands out as the on...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Nika Island Resort aerial-view

Sat 06. Apr 14:30 - Oaga Art Resort to host annual Kula Kula Festival 2024
MaldivesInsider - Maldives
Oaga Art Resort Maldives, has announced the upcoming Kula Kula Festival, taking place from April 10th to 15th, 2024. 'Kula• translates t...

Sat 06. Apr 14:25 - Patina Maldives in the final round for the most instagrammable Hotel In The World ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Patina Maldives, the only Maldivian property on The Luxury Travel Advisor’s annual contest, has made it to the final round. Only two rem...

Sat 06. Apr 14:20 - Maldivian to begin service between Seenu, Huvadhoo Atoll
MaldivesInsider - Maldives
Maldivian, the national carrier of the Maldives, will launch a new domestic service under the South Connectivity Initiative connecting Ga...

Sat 06. Apr 14:15 - Resort Revenue Dropped By USD 529 Million in 2023, MATI Reveals
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
Resort revenue plummeted by a staggering USD 529 million compared to the previous year’s figures according to a report released by the...

Sat 06. Apr 14:10 - Adverse weather to prevail over some parts this weekend
Raajje - Maldives
Heavy rain showers and thunderstorms are expected across islands in the south, on Saturday. Heavy rainfall was experienced by residents ...
courtesy Raajje - Streets of the capital city, flooded due to heavy rain showers - (Photo by Yoosuf Sofwan Rasheed )

Sat 06. Apr 14:05 - Constance Halaveli Maldives leads the Charge in Sustainable Luxury with ...
Recently, Constance Halaveli in the Maldives was awarded its latest green certification, achieving a remarkable 92% on the compliance s...

Sat 06. Apr 14:00 - Inside the world’s first and most expensive underwater hotel is mind-blowing
SupercarBlondie - USA
Welcome to a seriously luxurious hotel, The Muraka in the Maldives! This is a place where luxury knows no bounds, and the hotel takes ex...

Sat 06. Apr 13:55 - Why Time Is Running Out Across the Maldives’ Lovely Little Islands
The New York Times - USA
Global tourism brought a modern economy to the country’s thousand islands. For many Maldivians, the teeming capital beckons. To live i...

Sat 06. Apr 13:50 - CROSSROADS Maldives Launched - Retail & Leisure International
CROSSROADS Maldives is a new multi-island leisure destination, home to three beautiful resorts, a 30-berth quay, the legendary Hard Ro...

Sat 06. Apr 13:45 - Vogue’s Expert Guide To Planning A Dream Honeymoon In The Maldives
British Vogue - UK
There are few honeymoon destinations more alluring than the Maldives. This tropical archipelago in the Indian Ocean has long been ren...

Sat 06. Apr 13:40 - We discovered paradise on a blissful Maldives resort where Nicole Scherzinger ...
OK! - UK
Our writer discovered paradise at Seaside Finolhu resort in the Maldives' blissful Baa Atoll, which included sunset cruises and fine dining t...

Sat 06. Apr 13:35 - Maldives signs China military pact, further shift away from India
Inshorts - GB
Maldives president Mohamed Muizzu has signed a strategic defence agreement with the Chinese which is clearly a very anti-India move•...

Fri 05. Apr 14:50 - Patina Maldives in final round for Most Instagrammable Hotel in the World 2024
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Patina Maldives, the only Maldivian property on The Luxury Travel Advisor’s annual contest has made it to the final round. Only two rem...

Fri 05. Apr 14:45 - Embrace spirit of Eid al-Fitr at Hideaway Beach Resort
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa invites guests to join in the joyous celebrations of Eid al-Fitr with a vibrant programme of events from the 1...

Fri 05. Apr 14:40 - This Maldives Resort Boasts Garden-to-Table Dining and Opulent Digs
Vanity Fair - USA
At Gili Lankanfushi, plant-based haute cuisine puts a spin on surf and turf. All featured products are independently selected by our editor. ...

Fri 05. Apr 14:35 - Grand opening of SO/ Maldives marks milestone in CROSSROADS Project
Thaiger - USA
S Hotels and Resorts PCL (SET: SHR), the international hospitality company from Singha Estate PCL (SET: S), has celebrated the grand ...

Fri 05. Apr 14:30 - Audra Arul helms as cluster DOS for Kandima, Nova Maldives
TTG Asia - Singapore
Kandima Maldives has appointed Audra Arul as cluster director of sales for its Dhaalu Atoll property and Nova Maldives. With over a deca...

Fri 05. Apr 14:25 - India allows exports of essential goods to Maldives despite strained ties
Economic Times - Canada
India has allowed limited exports of essential commodities, including sugar, wheat, rice, and onions, to the Maldives, the government sai...

Fri 05. Apr 14:20 - Inside Amanda Holden's sun drenched luxury five-star family holiday in Maldives
OK! - UK
Britain's Got Talent presenter Amanda Holden, 53, jetted off to the Maldives over the Easter break where she enjoyed an idyllic beach ho...

Fri 05. Apr 14:15 - The Challenges in Muizzu's Maldives: A Stocktaking
Observer Research Foundation - USA
Mohamed Muizzu was sworn in as the seventh president of the Maldives in November 2023 after intense electoral competition with seven...

Thu 04. Apr 15:35 - Nova Maldives presents enchanting new wedding, honeymoon packages
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Nova Maldives extends a warm invitation to all sun and sea-loving couples to embark on a captivating romantic journey amidst the soft-lu...

Thu 04. Apr 15:30 - Swiss Developer Plans Major Resort Expansion
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
A Swiss-backed development company plans to reclaim eleven islands and 24 sandbanks in the Maldives’ Noonu Dhigufaru lagoon as pt ...

Thu 04. Apr 15:25 - Tourism is slowing down due to increased demand for guest houses
The Edition - Maldives
World bank has released a report stating that the expected productivity growth rate has declined compared to the previous estimation owi...

Thu 04. Apr 15:20 - Maldivian to commence sea plane transfer to AA. Thoddoo
One online - Maldives
Thoddoo Council's president Ahmed Karam posted on Facebook on Wednesday that a Maldivian sea plane has arrived in the island for i...

Thu 04. Apr 15:15 - Nova Maldives Announces New Wedding Packages
Salon Privé Magazine - USA
The adult-centric island sanctuary is introducing three new romantic packages for the year, each inspired by a unique narrative and roman...

Thu 04. Apr 15:10 - Reviving Huvafen Fushi: A Luxurious Maldives Retreat Reimagined
Salon Privé Magazine - USA
Situated in the idyllic North Male Atoll, this iconic retreat underwent a transformation that melded innovation with reverence, breathing n...

Thu 04. Apr 15:05 - Audra Arul appointed as Cluster Director of Sales for Kandima and Nova Maldives
Event faqs - India
Kandima Maldives appoints Audra Arul as Cluster Director of Sales for its kool and stylish island (desti)nation in Dhaalu Atoll and Nova M...

Thu 04. Apr 15:00 - SO/ Maldives Opens as third Resort at Crossroads Complex
Travel Agent Central - USA
S Hotels and Resorts, the international hospitality company from Singha Estate, recently celebrated the grand opening of SO/ Maldives w...

Thu 04. Apr 14:55 - How a fictitious 'sea' became a top Maldivian tourist attraction
The Maldives' famous Sea of Stars is part fact, part fiction - but that just adds to the mystery of one of the country's top tourist attractions. ...

Thu 04. Apr 14:50 - Kandima Maldives Appoints Audra Arul as Cluster Sales Director
Kandima Maldives is thrilled to announce the appointment of Audra Arul as the Cluster Director of Sales for its vibrant island destination s...

Thu 04. Apr 14:45 - They're not coming to plant trees': Maldives opposition alleges China indulging in ...
Firstpost - India
They’re not coming to plant trees. There’s a strong MNDF [Maldives National Defense Force] harbor in front. They’re coming in front to do ...

Wed 03. Apr 15:15 - Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon offers Ramadan and Eid staycation package
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Celebrate the holy month of Ramadan and Eid holidays in a paradise unlike any other at Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon. This resort, w...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Photoshop-Sunset on Cinnamon Ellaidhoo Maldives

Wed 03. Apr 15:10 - The Old Man’s exclusive pop-up event at Conrad Maldives Rangali Island
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Conrad Maldives Rangali Island has announced an extraordinary collaboration with The Old Man, the celebrated Hemingway-inspired ba...

Wed 03. Apr 15:05 - Sun Siyam Vilu Reef celebrates Yoga Day with ... renowned instructor Tommy
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sun Siyam Vilu Reef, the charming boutique hideaway in the Maldives, has announced a special celebration for International Yoga Day ...

Wed 03. Apr 15:00 - Unan Trading: Elevating Brazilian Excellence on the Global Stage
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
Nestled amidst Brazil’s lush agricultural heartland lies a wealth of culinary treasures, largely undiscovered by consumers beyond its border...

Wed 03. Apr 14:55 - Fuvahmulah City Prepares for Tourism Expansion with Development Agreement
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
The Fuvahmulah City Council has taken a significant step towards expanding the tourism industry in Fuvahmulah City with the signing of ...

Wed 03. Apr 14:50 - Hottest day recorded for Male', Feels like temperature at 46 Degree Celsius
The Press - Maldives
Today is the hottest day ever recorded in the capital of Male'. Maldives Meteorological Services Met said that the feels-like temperature i...

Wed 03. Apr 14:45 - Water Fountain in Jumhooree Square undergoing repairs for Eid-al-Fitr
The Edition - Maldives
Ministry of Cities, Local Government and Public Works Adam Shareef has announced that the water fountain in Republic Square is under...
courtesy The Edition - The Water Fountain in Jumhooree Square

Wed 03. Apr 14:40 - Marriott Bonvoy inspires families to discover Maldives with new family ... Packages
Breaking Travel news - GB
The Marriott Bonvoy portfolio of luxury resorts invites families to embark on an unforgettable journey of discovery in the breathtaking para...

Wed 03. Apr 14:35 - New Cluster Director of Sales named for Maldives resorts
Trade Arabia - UAE
Pulse Hotels & Resorts has appointed a new Cluster Director of Sales for its destinations, Kandima Maldives in Dhaalu Atoll, a stylish islan...

Wed 03. Apr 14:30 - 10 Best Places to Visit in Maldives April 2024
nazret - USA
The Maldives, a breathtaking archipelago in the Indian Ocean boasts a plethora of idyllic destinations that promise an unforgettable esco...

Wed 03. Apr 14:25 - Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts: Championing sustainable Hospitality in ... Maldives
economy next - USA
Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer of Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts Hishan Singhawansa reflects on the company’s ...

Wed 03. Apr 14:20 - Amanda Holden, 53, shows off incredible washboard abs in ... Maldives holiday
The Sun - UK
Amanda Holden flaunted her incredible washboard abs in a bikini during her Maldives holiday. The 53-year-old posted a transition video ...

Wed 03. Apr 14:15 - Chinese research ship to make Maldives resupply call
Daily Sun - USA
The Maldives has granted permission for a controversial Chinese vessel to make a resupply call but it will not undertake any "research", th...

Tue 02. Apr 14:35 - CROSSROADS Maldives to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr with fusion of local customs ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Imagine exploring a culture and its mythical folklore that few have heard before. Imagine exploring it in a way that seems quite lifelike an...

Tue 02. Apr 14:30 - Taste of ‘Just Veg Festival’ at Atmosphere Kanifushi with ... Chef Fabrizio Marino
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Across the globe, people continue to be drawn to vegetarian, health-conscious cuisines. Beyond their visually appealing presentation, thes...

Tue 02. Apr 14:25 - Sun Siyam Iru Veli invites guests to celebrate Yoga Day with renowned yogi Yujin
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sun Siyam Iru Veli, the ultimate tropical retreat offering laidback luxury at its best, has announced a special celebration for International Y...

Tue 02. Apr 14:20 - Output growth to Decline by 0.5% as Tourists opt for Local Guest Houses ov. Resorts
MV+ - Maldives
The Maldives output growth is expected to fall by 0.5% in 2024 as tourists opt for immersive experiences in guesthouses at local islands ov...

Tue 02. Apr 14:15 - Sun vs. Hilton: Fraud Allegations and Conflicting Laws Cloud Resort Paradise
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
Sun Travels & Tours and Hilton International were involved in a legal dispute regarding the Irufushi Beach & Spa resort in the Maldives. T...

Tue 02. Apr 14:10 - Prices of watermelon, coconut surge
Sun Online - Maldives
According to vendors and businesses, the prices of watermelon and coconuts have increased in the local market. One of the vendors speaki...

Tue 02. Apr 14:05 - 20 Incredible Overwater Bungalows In The Maldives
Travel2next - USA
The Maldives is one of the first destinations that comes to mind when thinking of overwater bungalows, and there are many good reasons w...

Tue 02. Apr 14:00 - Celebrate Eid Al Fitr in luxurious style with an Island Couture ... to SO/ Maldives
Hotel&Catering ME - USA
SO/ Maldives has reinvented the luxury island experience with bespoke all-villa collections and sensorial experiences rooted in fashion, art...

Tue 02. Apr 13:55 - Nova Maldives hosts exclusive wellness retreat with Dr. Amit Kumar ‘Eknath
Nova Maldives, the enchanting island retreat nestled in the South Ari Atoll of the Maldives, is delighted to unveil a bespoke wellness retre...

Tue 02. Apr 13:50 - Sun Siyam Resorts Presents Spectacular Eid Al Fitr Celebrations in The Maldives
Sun Siyam Resorts is thrilled to unveil an impressive lineup of events and festivities to celebrate Eid Al Fitr across its five stunning properti...

Tue 02. Apr 13:45 - Discover Eid Magic in Paradise: Angsana Velavaru welcomes you ... in the Maldives
Nestled within the serene South Nilandhe Atoll of the Maldives, Angsana Velavaru beckons families and friends to indulge in the splendor...

Tue 02. Apr 13:40 - S Hotels & Resorts Unveils SO/ Maldives: A New Era of Luxury in CROSSROADS ...
S Hotels and Resorts PCL ... recently heralded the opening of the SO/ Maldives, its newest luxury lifestyle resort within the CROSSROADS ...

Tue 02. Apr 13:35 - Double Nomination Triumph: Lily Hotels Resorts shine at World Travel Awards 2024
Lily Hotels is pleased to announce that both Lily Beach Resort & Spa and Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa have been nominated for three a...

Tue 02. Apr 13:30 - No one traveled to this island 50 years ago. Now it's one of the hottest destinations
USA Today - USA
When imagining paradise, the Maldives’ pristine beauty often comes to mind. Powdery white sand reflects sunlight so brilliantly it feels like...

Tue 02. Apr 13:25 - drunk Kapil Sharma tweet to PM Modi says I ran away to Maldives
ConnexionBlog - India
‘Drinking alcohol is harmful for health’…this is completely true but still people consume it. After this they bear the loss and impart knowledg...

Mon 01. Apr 15:30 - Jawakara Islands Maldives unveils dedicated ‘Buddymoons’ activities
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The concept of buddymoons, where couples extend invitations to friends to join them on their honeymoon, has experienced a notable su,...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Jawakara Islands Maldives

Mon 01. Apr 15:25 - Unveiling celestial wonders: 2 decades of astronomical excellence in Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
In the enchanting realm of Maldives tourism, a celestial marvel has quietly unfurled over the past two decades. It’s a saga of passion, ex...

Mon 01. Apr 15:20 - Sun Siyam Rsorts unveils unforgettable Eid Al Fitr ... across 5 Maldivian properties
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Sun Siyam Resorts is thrilled to announce an extraordinary lineup of events and festivities to celebrate Eid Al Fitr across its five stunning ...

Mon 01. Apr 15:15 - Marine Discovery Centre Four Seasons Landaa Giraavaru to hold marine biology ...
The Edition - Maldives
The Marine Discovery Centre of Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru is conducting two marine biology internships for stud...

Mon 01. Apr 15:10 - Maldives Tourism Surges 15% in Early 2024
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
According to data released by Tourism Minister Ibrahim Faisal, tourist arrivals in the Maldives during the first quarter of 2024 surged by 1...

Mon 01. Apr 15:05 - Sun claims Hilton's gross misconduct, settles dues
Sun Online - Maldives
Sun Travels & Tours has fully settled the dues owed to Hilton International Manage (Maldives) Pvt Ltd. According to Sun, it has paid a to...

Mon 01. Apr 15:00 - Maintenance Work Begins on China-Maldives Friendship Bridge
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
The Second Harbor Engineering Company, a subsidiary of China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), has initiated mainten...

Mon 01. Apr 14:55 - Jumeirah Maldives Olhahali Island welcomes guests to an Eid Al-Fitr ...
Hotelnews ME - USA
Jumeirah Maldives Olhahali Island, known for its contemporary all-villa retreat, is delighted to unveil a four-day programme brimming wi...

Mon 01. Apr 14:50 - Le Méridien Maldives Resort and Spa
Upgraded Points - USA
We may be compensated when you click on product links, such as credit cards, from one or more of our advertising partners. Terms apply...

Mon 01. Apr 14:45 - Maldives: a country at the crossroads
Daily Mirror - Sri Lanka
The idyllic island nation of the Maldives, famed for its turquoise waters and luxurious resorts, is making waves on the international stage ...

Mon 01. Apr 14:40 - Frankie Bridge is a bronzed goddess in gorgeous bikini during Maldives ...
Head Topic - USA
The Loose Women panellist holidayed in style ... Posing on a pristine beach in the Maldives, the mother-of-two elevated her ensemble ...

Sun 31. Mar 15:25 - Dive into memorable underwater adventure with Baros Maldives’ Eco Explorer ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
In today’s world, where the fragile balance of marine ecosystems teeters on the edge, to call for sustainable tourism practices resonates lo...

Sun 31. Mar 15:20 - 3 Crown & Champa Resorts’ properties win TUI, DER TOURISTIK awards
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Three exceptional resorts within Crown & Champa Resorts (CCR) have been recognized with prestigious accolades from renowned travel ...

Sun 31. Mar 15:15 - Celebrate a Blissful Eid at Angsana Velavaru
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Nestled in the South Nilandhe Atoll of the Maldives, Angsana Velavaru, an all-inclusive premium resort invites families and friends to bas...

Sun 31. Mar 15:10 - Villa Resorts launches global campaign with Virgin Atlantic
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Villa Resorts, a leading hospitality brand in the Maldives, has launched a global campaign with Virgin Atlantic to be showcased in major...

Sun 31. Mar 15:05 - Maldives Customs Tighten Control: Tracks Safaris Transporting Alcohol, Pork
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
Maldives Customs Service has introduced a regulatory amendment requiring the installation of tracking devices on safaris transporting alc...

Sun 31. Mar 15:00 - China's CCCC starts maintenance work on Sinamale' Bridge
One online - Maldives
China Communication Construction Company (CCCC) has started maintenance works on the Sinamale' Bridge. The maintenance works o...

Sun 31. Mar 14:55 - No one traveled to this island 50 years ago. Now it's one of the hottest destinations
USA Today - USA
When imagining paradise, the Maldives’ pristine beauty often comes to mind. Powdery white sand reflects sunlight so brilliantly it feels lik...

Sun 31. Mar 14:50 - Dive into The Nautilus Maldives’ premier Ocean Discovery Week 2024
This summer, The Nautilus Maldives extends a warm invitation to guests for an aquatic adventure alongside renowned diving aficionados...

Sun 31. Mar 14:45 - The Nautilus Maldives Unveils 'Ocean Discovery Week 2024'
Newswires - USA
This summer, The Nautilus Maldives invites guests to explore the sparkling seas with distinguished diving experts Jeff and Sarah Milisen f...

Sun 31. Mar 14:40 - Snorkeller mauled by shark in wild scenes caught on camera
yahoo! - USA
A woman has been mauled by a shark while snorkelling with the animals in the Maldives, with the shocking incident captured on camera ...

Sun 31. Mar 14:35 - World’s most expensive underwater hotel, watch mesmerising video
Kalinga TV - India
World’s most expensive underwater hotel was viewed by millions of viewers recently after a couple shared the video on YouTube. The pri...

Sun 31. Mar 14:30 - 5 Spectacular Floating Hotels Around The World
Inside Monkey - Island
This article looks at the 5 spectacular floating hotels ... 2. Conrad Maldives Rangali Island, Maldives. Situated on a walkway in the middl...

Sat 30. Mar 18:30 - Constance Moofushi Maldives maintains Green Globe Gold status
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Green Globe renewed its certification of Constance Moofushi Maldives Resort, an acknowledgment of the resort’s ongoing commitment to...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Constance Moofushi Maldives

Sat 30. Mar 18:25 - World Travel Awards 2024 nominations for Lily, Hideaway Beach
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Lily Hotels has announced that both Lily Beach Resort & Spa, and Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa, are nominated for three nominations e...

Sat 30. Mar 18:20 - Michelin-starred chef Jan Van de Voorde takes helm at Dusit Thani Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Dusit Thani Maldives has announced the appointment of Jan Van de Voorde as the new Executive Chef. “We are delighted to welcome J...

Sat 30. Mar 18:15 - Kaafu and Raa Atolls Lead Green Tax Revenue in January
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
The Ministry of Finance released data in January revealing that Kaafu and Raa Atolls were the top contributors to green tax revenue for t...

Sat 30. Mar 18:10 - ACC probing allegations linked to Ras Malé project
Raajje - Maldives
The 'Ras Malé' reclamation project was inaugurated on 18 December 2023. There have been allegations of corruption. Some members ...

Sat 30. Mar 18:05 - Maldives opposition parties criticize Muizzu's 'anti-India' pivot
WION - India
President Muhammad Muizzu has again turned his guns on India Muizzu now says that his predecessor Ibrahim Muhammad Solih operat...
courtesy Wion - Maldives opposition parties criticize Muizzu

Sat 30. Mar 18:00 - I didn't believe in magic until I visited this Maldives resort
Glamour Magazine - UK
The sun's warmth on my back, as I lay floating in the impossibly clear Indian ocean ... at Intercontinental Maldives Maamunagau, a plac...

Sat 30. Mar 17:55 - Atmosphere Kanifushi review: This 5-star Maldives experience begins before you ...
Express - UK
Atmosphere Kanifushi is one of the largest resort islands in the Maldives. Atmosphere Kanifushi is a luxury five-star resort where the experi...

Sat 30. Mar 17:50 - Blue O Two now fully operational under Master Liveaboards brand
Dive Magazine - Island
Popular liveaboard company Blue O Two has now been entirely incorporated ... Blue Voyager, which operates in the Maldives. The new...

Sat 30. Mar 17:45 - We were taken to a rubbish-filled island on our £4,000 Maldives holiday
The Times - UK
My wife and I booked a holiday to the Maldives ... We were due to be staying on Nalaguraidhoo island but our plane from the UK was lat...

Fri 29. Mar 14:10 - Foundation laid for new pet care facility
Raajje - Maldives
The ground-breaking ceremony of the new pet care facility in Hulhumalé Phase II, has been inaugurated. First Lady Sajida Mohamed in...
courtesy Raajje - The First Lady graces ground-breaking ceremony for new pet care facility

Fri 29. Mar 14:05 - China’s Shandong province donates 10 civil vehicles to Maldives
Sun Online - Maldives
Local Government Minister Adam Shareef Umar (R) and Chinese Ambassador Wang Lixin (L) attend the handover of 10 civil vehicles fro...

Fri 29. Mar 14:00 - BBM launches American Specialty Premium Heavy-Duty Mayonnaise in Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Bestbuy Maldives (BBM), at the forefront of culinary innovation in the Maldives, has announced the launch of American Specialty Premi...

Fri 29. Mar 13:55 - NH Collection Maldives Havodda welcomes Marlon Abeyakoon as General Manager
Breaking Travel News - USA
Welcome Googler! If you find this article interesting, you might want to subscribe to our Newsletter for the latest travel news. NH Collectio...

Fri 29. Mar 13:50 - Here’s why holiday at these Four Seasons resorts in Maldives is just what you need
Indulge - India
Our experience of a week-long stay at Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa and Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraav...

Fri 29. Mar 13:45 - This New Luxury Airline Aims to Bring the Private Jet Experience to Your Maldives Vacation
Robb Report - USA
Beond's goal is an experience more like a private jet than business class. It didn't quite get there, as we discovered on a recent flight, but...

Fri 29. Mar 13:40 - From Tea Stall to tropical Beach: Dolly Chaiwala visits Maldives ...
Enter Tales - USA
Dolly Chaiwala, the viral tea seller from Nagpur, has traded his the famous chai stall for the sun-kissed shores of the Maldives. The viral s...

Fri 29. Mar 13:35 - Destination Wedding Industry Analysis in Maldives forecasted to Surge to US$ ...
Market Research Blog - India
By 2034, the Maldives destination wedding market business is cast to surpass a total size of US$ 1,770.2 million and grow at a 19.4% CA...

Thu 28. Mar 14:05 - Pres announces new airport projects in nine islands
Avas - Maldives
President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has decided to construct additional airports across various islands in the Maldives. A Presidential Decree ...
courtesy Avas - Airfield in progress on a newly dredged island

Thu 28. Mar 14:00 - Number of operational tourist facilities rises to 1,180
Raajje - Maldives
Operational guesthouses span across 113 islands of 20 atolls. 43,192 beds are in operation across resorts ... of 1,185 tourist facilities. The...

Thu 28. Mar 13:55 - Highest amount of Green Tax received from Kaafu Atoll and Raa Atoll
PSM News - Maldives
Ministry of Finance released statistics indicating that Kaafu and Raa Atoll were the leading contributors to green tax revenue in January ...

Thu 28. Mar 13:50 - Celebrating World Art Day 2024 at Kandima Maldives
Salon Privé Magazine - USA
In anticipation of World Art Day 2024, Kandima Maldives, the esteemed active lifestyle resort, is gearing up with fervour and dedication t...

Thu 28. Mar 13:45 - Exclusive wellness retreat: The Healing Tent at Four Seasons ... at Kuda Huraa
The Island Spa at Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa has expanded its holistic wellness options with The Healing Tent, an exc...

Thu 28. Mar 13:40 - These are the best all-inclusive resorts in Maldives, from overwater bungalows ...
The Points Guy - USA
A trip to the Maldives - that dreamy equatorial archipelago of white-sand beaches, swaying palms and vibrant reefs - might seem like Cha...

Thu 28. Mar 13:35 - Nagpur's Dolly Chaiwala spotted vacationing in Maldives. See viral pics
Money Control - India
A few pictures shared by a user named Shujau Hussain on X showed Nagpur's Dolly Chaiwala vacationing in the Maldives. He also got cli...

Thu 28. Mar 13:30 - Super Eagles star Odion Ighalo enjoys island getaway in Maldives
soccernet - USA
Al Wehda F.C. player, Odion Ighalo is currently enjoying a well-deserved vacation in the picturesque Maldives, Soccernet.ng reports. Wit...

Thu 28. Mar 13:25 - Chinese research ship to make Maldives resupply call
Daily Sun - USA
The Maldives has granted permission for a controversial Chinese vessel to make a resupply call but it will not undertake any 'research', th...

Thu 28. Mar 13:20 - Now China sends 1,500 tonnes of drinking water from Tibet to Maldives
Press Trust of India - India
The Maldives government Tuesday announced that 1,500 tonnes of drinking water donated by China from the glaciers in Tibet has reac...

Wed 27. Mar 14:15 - CROSSROADS Maldives calls for expressions of interest in revenue-sharing ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
CROSSROADS Maldives, the leading destination for transformational tourism experiences in the Maldives is offering the opportunity for ...
courtesy VisitMaldives - Crossroads Maldives aerial-view

Wed 27. Mar 14:10 - Unveiling The Nautilus Maldives’s Ocean Discovery Week
Maldives Insider - Maldives
This summer, The Nautilus Maldives, invites guests to explore the sparkling seas and embark on an unforgettable journey with distinguish...

Wed 27. Mar 14:05 - Festivities of Eid Al-Fitr at Bandos Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Experience the vibrant festivities of Eid Al-Fitr at Bandos Maldives on Wednesday, 10th April 2024. The resort welcomes guests to join in...

Wed 27. Mar 14:00 - Maldives Seeks Public Support for World Travel Awards
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
The Maldives is once again vying for nine prestigious accolades in the Indian Oceans category of the World Travel Awards (WTA). To bo...

Wed 27. Mar 13:55 - Two foreigners who distributed bibles in Dhivehi language arrested
Sun Online - Maldives
Two foreigners who were distributing copies of the bible in Dhivehi language at Hiyaa Flat area in Huhumale’ Phase II have been taken i...

Wed 27. Mar 13:50 - Gov’t Urges Vessels to Avoid Route During Bridge Project
MV+ - Maldives
The Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure has issued a stern warning, advising vessels to steer clear areas that have been closed due...
courtesy Maldives plus - The Thilamale Bridge Project - (Photo Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure)

Wed 27. Mar 13:45 - China donates 1,500 tonnes of Tibet glacial water to Maldives amidst water crisis
Economic Times - Canada
In response to the Maldives' severe water shortage, China has donated 1,500 tonnes of drinking water sourced from glaciers in Tibet. This...

Wed 27. Mar 13:40 - Discover Paradise at Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives: Where Time stands still
Business News This Week - USA
Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives is a haven for those seeking an unforgettable tropical escape. Situated amidst the breathtaking turquoise...

Tue 27. Mar 13:35 - Marlon Abeyakoon helms as GM of NH Collection Maldives Havodda
TTG Asia - Singapore
Minor Hotels has named Marlon Abeyakoon as NH Collection Maldives Havodda Resort’s new general manager. With over 25 years of ind...

Wed 27. Mar 13:30 - Sohail Khan jets off to Maldives; spotted a tairport with kids
Times of India - Canada
Sohail Khan jets off to the Maldives with his children for a serene getaway, following the success of Dabangg 3. Fans laud his Wolverine-...

Wed 27. Mar 13:25 - Why Indian Coast Guard personnel boarded Maldives Fishing Vessels now ...
ETV Bharat - India
The reason why Indian Coast Guard personnel boarded Maldivian fishing vessels in January this year has now come to light. This was co...

Tue 26. Mar 14:50 - Alila Kothaifaru Maldives offers authentic Eid al-Fitr celebrations
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Alila Kothaifaru Maldives invites you to immerse yourself in the rich traditions of Eid al-Fitr, the festival marking the end of Ramadan, in ...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Maruhaba at Alila Kothaifaru Maldives

Tue 26. Mar 14:45 - Sun Siyam Iru Veli unveils 2 new guest experiences: ... private Lagoon Breakfast
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Expanding its collection of remarkable island memories, Sun Siyam Iru Veli has presented two exceptional signature guest experiences: ...

Tue 26. Mar 14:40 - Villa Resorts partners with Virgin Atlantic for ... campaign targeting luxury travelers
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Villa Resorts has launched a global campaign with Virgin Atlantic to be showcased in major airports globally. Commencing this February...

Tue 26. Mar 14:35 - Harnessing local knowledge ... with Anantara Kihavah Maldives Villa’s SKY Gurus...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
We have all, at one time or another, gazed up into the night sky and contemplated the mysteries of the universe, but if ever you were pl...

Tue 26. Mar 14:30 - A Tapestry Woven from Indian Heritage and Maldivian Bounty
Maldives Insider - Maldives
In an alignment of philosophies and aspirations, Chef Hari Nayak has partnered with Four Seasons Kuda Huraa to bring his signature artf...

Tue 26. Mar 14:25 - CROSSROADS Maldives Offers Revenue-Sharing Leases at The Marina
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
CROSSROADS Maldives has announced a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs and brands. The destination is offering revenue-sharing ...

Tue 26. Mar 14:20 - China to arrange renovation of roads in Male' under free aid
The Edition - Maldives
President Muizzu assures all roads in Male' City will be renovated through China's decision to offer the service within their free aid to Mal...

Tue 26. Mar 14:15 - The most important year for Maldivian volleyball lies ahead: Latheef
The Edition - Maldives
Mohamed Latheef, who contested for the President's posts of VAM said that the year ahead is crucial for Maldives' volleyball. He hopes t...
courtesy The Edition - Damaged road surface in Male

Tue 26. Mar 14:10 - New GM at NH Collection Maldives Havodda
ftn News - USA
Marlon Abeyakoon has been appointed as the General Manager of NH Collection Maldives Havodda, effective from 25 January 2024. T...

Tue 26. Mar 14:05 - Event Oasis Unveiled: Exceptional Venues at The Standard, Huruvalhi Maldives
Newswires - USA
Explore exclusive event venues for memorable celebrations at The Standard, Huruvalhi Maldives - luxurious settings for unforgettable pa...

Tue 26. Mar 14:00 - Top Reasons to Explore a Local Island in the Maldives
göobe echo - USA
The Maldives is a luxurious destination known for its upscale resorts and pristine beaches. However, beyond the five-star tourist trail lies a...

Tue 26. Mar 13:55 - Maldives pioneers Climate resilience with early warning systems
The turquoise waters of the Maldives paint a picture of paradise, but beneath the idyllic surface lies a stark reality. This low-lying island n...

Tue 26. Mar 13:50 - Baccarat Hotels' expansion to the Maldives part of larger growth strategy
The Points Guy - USA
The luxe Baccarat Hotels brand is adding a Maldives property to its portfolio, but don't think it stops there in terms of expansion for the br...

Tue 26. Mar 13:45 - The new Anantara brings Maldives-Style Over-Water Villas to UAE
Forbes - USA
The United Arab Emirates boasts an abundance of luxury accommodations where opulence and grandeur take center stage, offering gue...

Tue 26. Mar 13:40 - Patina Maldives review: this foodie hotel delivers next-level luxury
The Times - UK
Chic Singaporean hoteliers Capella selected the swish Fari Islands complex in the Maldives to launch the first hotel from its younger, hip...

Tue 26. Mar 13:35 - Stop being ‘stubborn’, seek dialogues with neigbours ... Ex-Maldives President ...
OpIndia - India
Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu should stop being 'stubborn' and seek dialogue with neighbours to overcome financial challenges...


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Gio 25. Apr 13:25 - Le Maldive sono in corsa per creare nuove terre ...
ESG Data - Italia
Le Maldive stanno espandendo il loro territorio sgobbare sedimenti dal fondo dell'oceano. Scienziati, ex funzionari governativi e attivisti ...

Mer 24. Apr 13:20 - Le foto della vacanza alle Maldive di Luca Argentero e Cristina Marino
Elle - France
La coppia è partita alla volta di Fasmendhoo con i due figli per un soggiorno da sogno ... sua vacanza in famiglia alle Maldive iniziata uf...

Mar 23. Apr 14:30 - Il villaggio che vorrei: la parola al cliente finale
L'Agenzia di Viaggi - Italia
A ciascuno il suo. Il suo villaggio turistico. 'Ti piacerebbe andare alle Maldive quest’estate? Sei sposata? Sei single o parti accompagnata...

Lun 22. Apr 13:15 - Il partito pro-Cina vince a valanga il voto nelle Maldive
Prealpina - Italia
Il partito pro-Cina del presidente Mohamed Muizzu, People's National Congress (Pnc) ha vinto a valanga le elezioni che si sono tenute og...

Sab 20. Apr 14:00 - L’ultimo segreto delle Maldive: i mangrovieti
Natura - Italia
Prende il via una nuova collaborazione scientifica internazionale per studiare e salvare i mangrovieti delle Maldive e degli Emirati Arabi ...
courtesy Gerhard Geyer - Mangroves in the Maldives, here in Addu Atoll

Ven 19. Apr 14:00 - Dall'Italia una task force internazionale per le mangrovie
L'Eco di Bergamo - Italia
Parte dall'Italia una nuova collaborazione scientifica internazionale per lo studio e la salvaguardia dei mangrovieti delle Maldive e degli ...

Gio 18. Apr 13:55 - Collaborazione internazionale per salvare i Mangrovieti delle Maldive
9colonne - Italia
Una nuova collaborazione scientifica internazionale prende il via per studiare e salvare i mangrovieti delle Maldive e degli Emirati Arabi ...

Gio 18. Apr 13:50 - Da Monza a Dubai per salvare l'ultimo 'segreto' delle Maldive
Monza Today - Italia
Le foreste di mangrovie rappresentano uno degli ecosistemi più importanti sul pianeta terra ... della Maldivs National University e della U...

Mer 17. Apr 13:40 - The Cocoon Collection presenta il Never Before Festival
Viaggiare - Italia
The Cocoon Collection ... che rivoluzionerà l’esperienza vacanziera alle Maldive. Il 'Never Before Festival' si svolgerà dal 4 al 31 maggio ...

Mer 17. Apr 13:35 - All’Acquario una nuova area con le mangrovie ... Bicocca di Milano su Maldive ...
Il Secolo XIX - Italia
Studiare e salvare le mangrovie delle Maldive e degli Emirati arabi uniti. È l'obiettivo della collaborazione scientifica internazionale lanc...

Mar 16. Apr 14:20 - Maldive Fushifaru, la sostenibile bellezza del blu
Latitudes - Italia
Situato all’interno di un’area marina protetta, il resort è ... Da sempre le Maldive sono sinonimo di luogo da sogno e, anche a distanza di...

Mar 16. Apr 14:15 - Sporting Vacanze e Sun Siyam Resorts: le Maldive in scena a Napoli
TTG Italia - Italia
Sporting Vacanze, in collaborazione con il gruppo alberghiero Sun Siyam Resorts, Qatar Airways e Qatar Tourism spinge l’acceleratore s...

Lun 15. Apr 11:30 - Abbiamo volato a bordo di BeOnd ... tra Milano e le Maldive
The Flight Club - Italia
Dalla fine dello scorso novembre l’Airbus A319 di BeOnd solca i cieli tra l’Europa, l’Arabia Saudita e le Maldive. Si tratta di un aereo uni...

Dom 14. Apr 13:45 - Maldives, paradiso degli atolli: tra immersioni e paesaggi da sogno
Meteo giornale - Italia
Tra le gemme incastonate nell’immensità dell’Oceano Indiano, le Maldive si distinguono come un idilliaco mosaico di isole caratterizzat...

Sab 13. Apr 14:05 - Esplorazione delle tendenze del mercato delle attrezzature da cucina delle Maldive
Maldives Kitchen Equipment Market - Italia
MarkNtel Advisors ha recentemente previsto che il mercato delle attrezzature da cucina delle Maldive dovrebbe assistere a un tasso di cre...

Ven 12. Apr 13:35 - Quando si spende per andare in vacanza alle Maldive?
Proiezionidi Borsa - Italia
Le Maldive sono una delle mete turistiche più ambite. Spesso le più note celebrità vanno in vacanza lì, a godersi il mare e le bianche sp...

Gio 11. Apr 13:45 - OBLU Maldive, all-inclusive resort
T&A ADV Training - Italia
Nei resort COLOURS OF OBLU risuona un'energia unica. Un'energia che si percepisce nello spirito delle persone, nei lussureggianti amb...

Mer 10. Apr 13:20 - Cocoon lancia il ‘Never Before Festival’ con dj set alle Maldive
Pambianco News - Italia
The Cocoon Collection, brand identificativo di una catena in espansione di strutture ricettive di lusso che appartiene, insieme al tour ope...

Mar 09. Apr 13:35 - Da Santarcangelo a chef stellato fino alle Maldive, ora il giovane cuoco ... in tv
Rimini Today - Italia
Al fianco di Alberto Faccani, due stelle Michelin, ha iniziato a viaggiare per lavoro ... è stata quella alle Maldive, dove sono stato circa q...

Lun 08. Apr 13:35 - Le Maldive: un angolo di paradiso tra i flutti dell’Oceano Indiano
SH Magazine - Italia
Oltre il mare cristallino e le spiagge di sabbia bianca ... Basta, mollo tutto e vado a vivere alle Maldive! Niente meglio di questo periodo...

Lun 08. Apr 13:30 - Escursioni alle Maldive
alpitours - Italia
Scopri le migliori escursioni alle Maldive. Nell'incantevole arcipelago delle Maldive, le tue escursioni diventano un'esperienza unica. Ini...

Dom 07. Apr 14:30 - Isole e atolli di Maldive e Tuvalu stanno sempre più aumentando di dimensioni: ...
MeteoWeb - Italia
Clima, ennesimo studio scientifico stronca le teorie dei catastrofisti climatici: isole e atolli di Maldive e Tuvalu stanno aumentando di di...

Sab 06. Apr 13:30 - Rose Villain: sul web girano le sue foto senza veli. Ma sono fake? Ecco la reazione!
Guiseppe da Brescia - Italia
La talentuosa cantante Rose Villain, reduce da una meritata pausa alle Maldive per ricaricare le energie dopo il tour a Sanremo e le atti...

Ven 05. Apr 14:10 - Sun Siyam Resorts premia gli adv con soggiorni alle Maldive
TTG Italia - Italia
Sun Siyam Resorts, gruppo alberghiero al 100% maldiviano con 5 resort alle Maldive e uno di recente riapertura in Sri Lanka, si allea a ...

Ven 05. Apr 14:05 - Giorgia Palmas, bikini mozzafiato alle Maldive: forma strepitosa, le immagini
Golssip - Italia
Vacanza di famiglia alle Maldive per Giorgia Palmas, Filippo Magnini e la figlia Mia. L'ex Velina ha postato su Instagram alcuni scatti p...

Gio 04. Apr 14:40 - Il Surf alle Maldive unisce tradizione, sostenibilità e passione
4actionsport - Italia
Colori mozzafiato, clima tropicale, pace dei sensi: queste sono tra le caratteristiche più conosciute delle Maldive. Questa destinazione da...

Gio 04. Apr 14:35 - Sun Siyam Resorts premia gli adv con soggiorni alle Maldive
TTG Italia - Italia
Sun Siyam Resorts, gruppo alberghiero al 100% maldiviano con 5 resort alle Maldive e uno di recente riapertura in Sri Lanka, si allea a ...

Mer 03. Apr 14:10 - Teresa Mannino a Mondello: 'Benvenuti in paradiso!'. I fan: 'Meglio delle Maldive'
Siciliafan - Italia
'Welcome to paradise ... come Rita Dalla Chiesa, che sottolinea: “Mondello è Mondello! Ma che ne sanno quelli che vanno alle Maldive...

Mar 02. Apr 13:20 - Chanel Totti e Cristian Babalus, tramonto da sogno alle Maldive: ...
Leggo - Italia
Chanel Totti, 16 anni, e Cristian Babalus si stanno godendo una vacanza da sogno alle Maldive insieme a papà Francesco Totti e alla ...

Mar 02. Apr 13:15 - Alle Maldive , un autista ha investito una famiglia con un bambino sul marciapiede
ESG Data - Italia
Nelle Maldive (Warmyn-Masurian), un autista di autobus ha perso il controllo della sua auto ha colpito un albero e poi ha colpito il marc...

Lun 01. Apr 14:35 - Chanel Totti, il bikini floreale in vacanza alle Maldive anticipa il trend dell'estate ...
Leggo - Italia
Chanel Totti, il bikini floreale in vacanza alle Maldive anticipa il trend dell'estate sotto l'occhio vigile di papà Francesco. Chanel Totti è...

Dom 31. Mar 14:25 - Chanel Totti, a 16 anni pazza d’amore alle Maldive con Cristian Babalus ...
Leggo - Italia
La secondogenita di ... Francesco Totti e Noemi Bocchi è infatti volata alle Maldive per trascorrere le vacanze di Pasqua. Cristian e Cha...

Sab 30. Mar 17:40 - Maldive: alla scoperta dell’Eden nel cuore dell’Oceano Indiano
MeteoWeb - Italia
Il mare che circonda le Maldive è un vero paradiso per gli amanti della natura e degli sport acquatici. Nel vasto blu dell’Oceano Indian...

Gio 28. Mar 13:15 - Voli con BeOnd per la vacanza alle Maldive? 4 cose che devi ...
The Flight Club - Italia
Dal prossimo 3 luglio la compagnia all-Business BeOnd inizierà a volare tra Milano Malpensa e Malè due volte alla settimana, Gli orari...

Mer 27. Mar 13:20 - Care, carissime Maldive: la parola alle agenzie di viaggi
L'Agenzia di Viaggi - Italia
Le Maldive tornano a crescere, con l’Oceano Indiano protagonista di una domanda sostenuta. Lo dicono gli operatori, lo confermano gl...

Mer 27. Mar 13:15 - Oceano Indiano, opening in vista tra gli atolli maldiviani
L'Agenzia di Viaggi - Italia
I big player dell’ospitalità continuano a investire nell’arcipelago delle Maldive. Ecco le nuove aperture in programma - raccolte da L’Ag...

Mar 26. Mar 13:30 - Una vacanza da single alle Maldive con Sun Siyam Resorts
Travelnostop - Italia
Se si pensa a un luogo ideale per un viaggio in coppia, sicuramente le Maldive sono una delle prime destinazioni che vengono in ment...

Mar 26. Mar 13:25 - 5 cose che dovresti sapere sulle Maldive: le isole paradisiache ... Oceano Indiano
prima Lamartesana - Italia
Quando si pensa a destinazioni da sogno ... le Maldive sono la prima meta che viene in mente a tutti. Nonostante la loro incommensura...


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