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Fr 26. Juli 14:15 - Oceania Cruises: Feiertage auf See
tip-online - Österreich
Zu den Feiertagen 2024/25 und 2025/26 bietet Oceania Cruises mehr als 40 Reisen an ... von den Malediven bis Tansania - diese Reise i...

Fr 26. Juli 14:10 - Xi Jinping sendet Glückwunschbotschaft an Präsidenten der Malediven
CRI - China
Der chinesische Staatspräsident Xi Jinping hat dem Präsidenten der Malediven, Mohamed Muizzu, anlässlich des 59. Jahrestages der Una...

Do 25. Juli 15:00 - Die 8 besten Tauchhotels auf den Malediven
HolidayCheck - Deutschland
Wenn Du auf die Malediven fliegst, lass Deine Schuhe zu Hause und pack stattdessen Deine Taucherbrille ein. In den Lobbys und Restaur...

Mi 24. Juli 14:05 - Traumhafte Suiten weltweit: Die müssen auf die Sommer-Bucketlist
Falstaff Travel - Deutschland
Erst vor wenigen Monaten eröffnete mit dem Soneva Secret ein neues Juwel im Indischen Ozean. Das abgelegene Resort im Haa Dhaalu ...

Di 23. Juli 14:20 - Die Malediven glänzen in Nika Zorjans atemberaubendem Musikvideo 'V Postelji'.
Erst vor drei Wochen veröffentlichte Nika Zorjan ihr neuestes Musikvideo 'V Postelji' ... vor der beeindruckenden Kulisse des Malediven. Die...
Youtube Video - Nika Zorjans V Postelji Musik Video

Di 23. Juli 14:15 - Wang Yi führt Gespräch mit maledivischem Außenminister
CRI - China
Der chinesische Außenminister Wang Yi hat am Montag in Beijing ein Gespräch mit seinem maledivischen Amtskollegen Moosa Zameer g...

Mo 22. Juli 14:55 - Umfangreiches Programm der maledivischen Regierung zur Stärkung ... Korans
IQNA - Iran
Laut IQNA unter Berufung auf Edition gab der Präsident der Malediven, Mohammad Ma'zoo, bei der Preisverleihung des 36. Nationalen K...

Fr 19. Juli 15:15 - Malediven: Lie-Flat Business Class von Mailand ab 1.649€ mit Beond Air ...
Travel-Dealz - Deutschland
Die Airline Beond ist der neueste Kandidat auf dem hart umkämpften Markt um Gäste in der Business Class. Das Alleinstellungsmerkmal di...

Do 18. Juli 14:20 - Gipfeltreffen mit Unterstützung des Ministeriums und MMPRC prägt ... Tourismus ...
TTW - Deutschland
Destination Future freut sich, die Unterstützung des bevorstehenden Future Summit durch das Tourismusministerium und die Maldives Mar...

Mi 17. Juli 15:00 - Bis 31.05.2025: Kostenfreie Nacht im Alila Kothaifaru Malediven
Reisetopia - Deutschland
Die Malediven gehören zu den absoluten Traumreisezielen und sind für viele ein Sehnsuchtsort. Mit unserem Alila Kothaifaru Malediven ...

Mi 17. Juli 14:55 - Warum sich die Malediven im europäischen Sommer lohnen
Welt - Deutschland
Strahlend blauer Himmel über türkisfarbenem Wasser und schneeweißen Stränden – so kennt man die Malediven von Fotos. Dabei regnet ...

Mi 17. Juli 14:50 - Dank Hiltons neuer Partnerschaft mit Small Luxury Hotels können Reisende nun ...
Hilton hat eine neue Partnerschaft mit Small Luxury Hotels of the World bekannt gegeben, die Gästen die einzigartige Gelegenheit bietet ...

Di 16. Juli 15:00 - Neue Inseln wegen Platzmangels: Das Paradies ist auf Sand gebaut
Die Presse - Österreich
Die maledivische Hauptstadt ist enorm dicht besiedelt. Sandabbau für künstliche Inseln soll den Platzmangel lösen - doch zerstört er zugle...

Mo 15. Juli 14:30 - Fushifaru Maldives begrüßt den portugiesischen Fußballstar Candido Costa ...
Fushifaru Maldives freut sich den bevorstehenden Besuch des berühmten portugiesischen Fußballspielers und einflussreichen Persönlichke...

Sa 13. Juli 14:45 - Das Traumschiff: Malediven/Thaa Atoll: Eine Schatzsuche im Paradies
Seit 1981 sticht "Das Traumschiff" nun schon für das ZDF in See. An Ostern 2021 lief der 90. Film des Dauerbrenners. Nun können die Fan...

Sa 13. Juli 14:40 - Warum sich die Malediven im europäischen Sommer lohnen
Welt - Deutschland
Strahlend blauer Himmel über türkisfarbenem Wasser und schneeweißen Stränden – so kennt man die Malediven von Fotos. Dabei regnet ...

Fr 12. Juli 13:40 - Traumschiff statt EM-Finale: Kann Florian Silbereisen die Quoten retten?
Schlagerfieber - Deutschland
Traumschiff statt EM-Finale: Kann Florian Silbereisen die Quoten retten? ... Die Reise führt diesmal auf die traumhaften Malediven. ZDF-...

Do 11. Juli 15:15 - Dertour geht mit neuen Hotels und Zielen in die Wintersaison
Counter vor 9 - Deutschland
Türkei, Tunesien und Ägypten ... Weiteres Ananea eröffnet 2025 auf den Malediven: So baut Ananea, die neue Lifestyle-Marke der Dertou...

Do 11. Juli 15:10 - Bei Sonnenuntergang: Handball-Profi macht Heiratsantrag am Strand
Bild - Deutschland
Vincent Büchner und seine Verlobte Mailin auf den Malediven. Den Plan hatte er lange ausgeklügelt. Und dann im gemeinsamen Urlaub ...

Mi 10. Juli 14:30 - Wo Surfen auf den Malediven zu einem besonderen Erlebnis wird
Falstaff Travel - Deutschland
Vor Kuda Villingili können Surfer die längste linksbrechende Welle der Malediven reiten. Die Malediven kennt man vor allem für ihren wa...

Di 09. Juli 14:35 - Der Klimawandel ist auf den Malediven stark spürbar
yahoo! - USA
Inselstaaten wie die Malediven sind durch den Meeresspiegelanstieg in ihrer Existenz bedroht. Online kursiert jedoch die Behauptung, das...

So 07. Juli 15:00 - Jeder weiß, wo Mikroplastik landet
taz - Deutschland
Frauke Bagusche begeistert junge Menschen für den Schutz der Ozeane ... leitete sie meeresbiologische Stationen auf den Malediven un...

So 07. Juli 14:55 - Jürgen Storck war Fischer, Bierfahrer ... und Tauchlehrer auf den Malediven
PNP - Deutschland
Jürgen Storck war Tauchlehrer auf den Malediven, Bierfahrer auf der Reeperbahn und Fischer auf hoher See. Heute lebt er in Haidhof bei...

Fr 05. Juli 15:30 - 360 Reportage - Malediven, im Rhythmus der Riffmantas
ZDF - Deutschland
Die Malediven - der Archipel im Indischen Ozean ist nicht nur ein Sehnsuchtsort für Urlauber, sondern vor allem gibt es hier einen weltweit...

Fr 05. Juli 15:25 - Escapade Gourmande auf Halaveli und Moofushi
Worlds of Food - Deutschland
Gourmetausflug auf die Malediven. Das Escapade Gourmande der Constance Hotels & Resorts zelebriert kulinarischen Genuss im Indische...

Fr 05. Juli 15:20 - Atmosphere: Neues Inselerlebnis auf den Malediven
tip-online - Österreich
Mit der Eröffnung des RAAYA by Atmosphere wächst das Portfolio des internationalen Hotelunternehmens Atmosphere Core auf neun Reso...

Do 04. Juli 15:30 - In diesen Ländern herrscht Sonnencremeverbot
HolidayCheck - Schweiz
Umweltverbände warnen schon lange: ... Oxybenzon, Octocrylen und Parabene ... Die Malediven reagieren auf die Bedrohung ihrer Unter...

Do 04. Juli 15:25 - Malediven: Das konstruierte Paradies
Die Presse - Österreich
Sonne, Luxus, weißer Sand: Der Traum vom Inselparadies wird auf den Malediven perfekt bedient. Abseits der Resorts sieht das Inselleben...

Do 04. Juli 15:20 - In dieser Hotel-Suite schlafen sie bei den Fischen
fvw - Deutschland
Die Muraka Residence im Conrad Maldives Rangali Island Resort ist bekannt als die erste Unterwasser-Hotelsuite der Welt. Es handelt sich ...

Mi 03. Juli 14:35 - Jeder fünfte Malediver trägt gefährliche Genvariation
Die Presse - Österreich
Die vererbbare Blutarmut Thalassämie stellt die Bevölkerung des Inselstaates im Indischen Ozean sowie dessen Gesundheitssystem vor gro...

Mi 03. Juli 14:30 - Richard Lugner: Schlechtes Wetter versaut seinen Urlaub
Richard Lugner verbringt den Jahresstart aktuell auf den Malediven. Dort hatte er mit sommerlichem Wetter gerechnet, muss sich aber über...

Di 02. Juli 14:50 - Beond lässt viele Flüge ab Zürich ausfallen
Head Topics - Türkei
Noch immer ist der Flugplan des Luxusferienfliegers erratisch. Im Mai und Juni strich er viele Flüge ... nach Malediven-Flügen im Sommer...

Mo 01. Juli 14:40 - Risikoreiche Rückkehr: Wie die Malediven ihre IS-Reisenden reintegrieren
NZZ - Schweiz
Bericht aus einem kleinen Land, das ein grosses Wagnis eingeht ... 2017 reiste sie mit ihrem Mann und den Kindern von den Malediven n...

So 30. Juni 14:25 - Star-Koch Jamie Oliver: Dritte Hochzeit mit derselben Frau
Bild - Deutschland
Im Jahr 2000 gaben sich Jamie Oliver und seine Frau Jools erstmals ihr Jawort ... auf den Malediven mit allen fünf Kindern (2023) ... jetzt...

Fr 28. Juni 14:55 - Was ist nur mit Beond los? Luxus-Airline reduziert Flugplan ab Zürich ohne ...
Blick - Schweiz
Die schwarzen Flieger der Premium-Airline Beond sah man zuletzt kaum mehr in Zürich. Blick hat nach den Gründen gefragt. Ein Experte ...
courtesy Fly Beond - Beond airplane in Maldives

Fr 28. Juni 14:50 - Malediven streben Allianzen mit China an, während Fitch Kreditwürdigkeit auf Ramsch
invezz - USA
Fitch stufte die Kreditwürdigkeit der Malediven aufgrund finanzieller Risiken auf 'CCC+' herab. Handelsminister Saeed strebt strategische A...

Do 27. Juni 16:10 - Maledivens Klimaminister wegen 'schwarzer Magie' verhaftet
Cityjournal - Österreich
Die Polizei auf den Malediven hat die Umweltministerin des Bundesstaates festgenommen, teilten Beamte am Donnerstag mit. Medien in...

Do 27. June 16:05 - Luxus und Abenteuer treffen auf den Malediven mit OZEN COLLECTION zusammen
Die Malediven ziehen heute mit atemberaubenden Aussichten, herzlicher Gastfreundschaft und dynamischen kulinarischen Erlebnissen, a...


Koch-Videos - Cooking videos - Video di cucina     HANDPICKET MALDIVES NEWS OF THE MONTH    Sprache     Lingua    Koch-Videos - Cooking videos - Video di cucina

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Fri 26. July 14:05 - Heritance Aarah Maldives earns Green Globe certification
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Heritance Aarah Maldives achieved a remarkable milestone in sustainable tourism receiving the prestigious Green Globe Certification. This...
courtesy Maldives Insider -  Heritance Aarah Maldives

Fri 26. July 14:00 - Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives welcomes families with exclusive opening offer
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Centara Hotels and Resorts, Thailand’s leading hotel operator, has announced the grand opening of Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives on ...

Fri 26. July 13:55 - Vakkaru Reserve achieves Wine Spectator award for record fourth time
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Once again celebrating its position as a beacon for sensorial luxury amidst the timeless beauty of the Indian Ocean, Vakkaru Maldives has ...

Fri 26. July 13:50 - China continues to top tourist arrival markets, contributes 13 percent
Raajje - Maldives
147,241 arrivals were recorded from China. Arrivals so far this year, are a 9.5 percent increase from the same period last year. The daily av...

Fri 26. July 13:45 - Independence Day parade postponed due to bad weather
One online - Maldives
The Independence Day parade has been postponed due to bad weather. MNDF said on Friday that the parade to mark the 59th Independe...

Fri 26. July 13:40 - MET Office cautions against bad weather conditions for next three days
PSM News - Maldives
Maldives Meteorological Service (MET Office) has cautioned against unfavourable weather conditions for the upcoming three days. The M...
courtesy PSM News - MET Office cautions against bad weather conditions for next three days

Fri 26. July 13:35 - Centara Maldives presents a grand opening offer
TTR Weekly - Thailand
Centara Hotels & Resorts, Thailand’s leading hotel operator, proudly announces the grand opening of Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives on...

Fri 26. July 13:30 - The Ozen Collection - Where Maldivian luxury meets sustainable paradise
Arabian Business - USA
What The Ozen Collection offers is not just luxury accommodations, but a gateway to experiencing the Maldives in all its multifaceted glo...

Fri 26. July 13:25 - FSDG Release Maldives for MSFS
FSElite - USA
FSDG (Flight Sim Development Group) has released their Maldives scenery bundle for Microsoft Flight Simulator, including a highly detail...

Fri 26. July 13:20 - Maldives Independence Day 26 July
Mirage News - Australia
On behalf of the United States of America, I congratulate the people of Maldives as they celebrate the anniversary of their countrys indepe...

Fri 26. July 13:15 - Matai Gilroy has been appointed Commercial Director at Conrad Maldives Rangali ...
Hospitalitynet - USA
Conrad Maldives Rangali Island is delighted to announce the appointment of Matai Gilroy as its new Commercial Director. With over two d...

Fri 26. July 13:10 - Maldives Welcomes Exhibitors to Asian Tourism Fair 2024 in Bangladesh
Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/Visit Maldives), in collaboration with the National Hotel and Guesthouse A...

Thu 25. July 14:55 - Cinnamon Hotels offers unforgettable Maldivian experience ... best rate guarantee ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
A holiday in the Maldives is infamous for its lush flamboyance. Whether you’re a seasoned adrenaline junkie or a first-time thrill-seeker, the ...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Cinnamon Maldives Housereef

Thu 25. July 14:50 - 'MalDIVAS on Tour': 9 women travel partners visit Atmosphere Core’s 3 resorts
Maldives Insider - Maldives
International hospitality company Atmosphere Core hosted the 'MalDIVAS on Tour' from 10th to 17th July 2024. This unique voyage featu...

Thu 25. July 14:45 - Visit Maldives in collab. with NHGAM reopens Participation for Asian Tourism Fair ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/ Visit Maldives), in collaboration with the National Hotel and Guesthouse A...

Thu 25. July 14:40 - Arrivals for July 12.9 percent increase from same period last year
Raajje - Maldives
Between July 1 - 21, 109,271 tourist arrivals were recorded. The daily average for 2024 so far, is 5,541. Maldives welcomed the one millio...

Thu 25. July 14:35 - Tourist arrivals to Maldives' rebound after decline
The Edition - Maldives
Tourist arrivals have observed a 13 percent increase this month compared to the same period last year, with 109,000 arrivals. The number ...

Thu 25. July 14:30 - Maldivian passports ranked most powerful in South Asian region
PSM News - Maldives
Maldivian passports have been ranked as the most powerful passport in the South Asian region. This was revealed in the list publicised by t...

Thu 25. July 14:25 - Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives: A new island paradise for families
TravelDailyNews - USA
Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives opens on November 1st, 2024, offering family-centric activities, diverse dining options, and luxurious vill...

Thu 25. July 14:20 - Patina Maldives achieves second EarthCheck Silver Certification
ttg Media - USA
Patina Maldives, Fari Islands reaffirms commitment to sustainable tourism with the 2024 Earthcheck Silver Certification for the second cons...

Thu 25. July 14:15 - PCB to send Wahab Riaz to Maldives for ICC’s coaching workshop
ARY News - USA
The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has said that former selection committee member Wahab Riaz will ... coaching workshop in Maldives. Th...

Wed 24. July 14:00 - Seek Solace in Silence at InterContinental Maldives Maamunagau Resort
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Unveiling a new ‘Silent Immersion Program’, InterContinental Maldives makes headway in offering quiet wellness packages. InterContinent...
courtesy VisitMaldives - InterContinental Maldives Maamunagau Resort

Wed 24. July 13:55 - Rejuvenate at Baros Maldives with renowned practitioner Jang Kanlayanee
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Serenity Spa at Baros Maldives has announced the arrival of renowned wellness practitioner Jang Kanlayanee for an exclusive collaborati...

Wed 24. July 13:50 - No vehicles allowed on Male' Streets from 4 to 6pm, Friday
The Edition - Maldives
Male' City Council has announced that the streets of Male will be vehicle free between 16:00 hrs and 18:00 hrs in Friday in relation to cele...

Wed 24. July 13:45 - Enjoy introductory offers at Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives | TTG Asia
TTG Asia - Singapore
In anticipation of its grand opening on November 1, Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives is welcoming guests to the new underwater world-th...

Wed 24. July 13:40 - The Nautilus Maldives hosts holistic wellness retreat
Travel Daily Media - USA
The retreat features senior practitioners from Ananda in the Himalayas. The Nautilus Maldives hosts two senior practitioners from renowned...

Wed 24. July 13:35 - Minor Hotels appoints Judd Rabbidge as new GM of Avani+ Fares Maldives Resort
Travel Daily News Asia - USA
Minor Hotels announced the appointment of Judd Rabbidge as the new General Manager of Avani+ Fares Maldives Resort, effective July ...

Wed 24. July 13:30 - Embrace tranquillity ... that celebrates holistic wellness in Maldivian waters
Condé Nast Traveller - USA
Imagine an oasis where time slows down, and the natural world embraces you at every turn. Here, under the open sky, you can listen to wel...

Tue 23. July 14:10 - Angsana Velavaru reaffirms commitment to sustainability, Cultural Heritage ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
At Angsana Velavaru, an all-inclusive premium resort in the virtually untouched South Nilandhe Atoll sustainability and cultural preservati...
courtesy VisitMaldives - Resort Volley League

Tue 23. July 14:05 - Lily Beach Resort & Spa Receives Wine Spectator’s 2024 Award of Excellence
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Lily Beach Resort & Spa is proud to announce that the resorts fine dining experience at AQVA Restaurant - Les Turquoise D'Aqua, has won...

Tue 23. July 14:00 - Discover holistic healing at Nautilus Maldives with Ananda in the Himalayas’ experts
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The Nautilus, a five-star ultra-luxury private island hideaway in the Maldives, will host two senior practitioners from the world’s most renown...

Tue 23. July 13:55 - Lily Beach Resort & Spa receives Wine Spectator’s 2024 Award of Excellence
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Lily Beach Resort & Spa has announced that the resort’s fine dining experience at AQVA Restaurant – Les Turquoise D’Aqua, has won Win...

Tue 23. July 13:50 - JOALI Maldives welcomes award-winning Chef Eunji Lee from Lyse
Maldives Insider - Maldives
JOALI Maldives, the first and only art-immersive resort in the Maldives, welcomes pastry chef Eunji Lee to the island, sharing her edible ar ...

Tue 23. July 13:45 - Resort Volley League: Amilla Maldives' organizing receives high praise
The Edition - Maldives
Amilla Maldives receives high praise for the exemplary preparations they have organized for the Maldives Resort Volleyball League. „I hav...

Tue 23. July 13:40 - Maldivian athletes travel to Paris to join Olympics 2024
The Edition - Maldives
The Maldives Contingent has left this morning to travel to Paris to participate in the Olympic Games 2024 which is set to commence on Fri...
courtesy The Edition - Maldives contingent departs for Paris 2024 Olympics

Tue 23. July 13:35 - Luxurious Wellness Retreat The Nautilus Maldives partners with Ananda ...
The Nautilus, a five-star ultra-luxury private island retreat in the Maldives, will host two senior practitioners from the world-renowned holisti...

Tue 23. July 13:30 - Maldives resort wins women’s diving award
DiverNet - UK
Long-established Indian Ocean dive-centre TGI Maldives and the OBLU Nature Helengeli resort where it is based, part of the Atmosphere ...

Tue 23. July 13:25 - Family-centric Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives opens in November
Travel Daily Media -USA
The latest addition to Centara’s family-focused Mirage properties is slated to open on 1 November. The Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives i...

Tue 23. July 13:20 - Patina Maldives earns 2024 EarthCheck Silver Certification
Travel Daily Media -USA
Patina Maldives won the certification for a second consecutive year. Patina Maldives, Fari Islands received the EarthCheck Silver certificati...

Tue 23. July 13:15 - Woman receives settlement following alleged sexual assault ... in the Maldives
Leighday - UK
In 2019, a woman who we have called Leah was on a solo holiday at a luxury resort in the Maldives. Two nights before the last night of he...

Mon 22. July 14:50 - Nika Zorjan’s ‘V Postelji’ music video showcases timeless beauty of Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Released just three weeks ago, Nika Zorjan’s latest music video, ‘V Postelji’ (meaning “In Bed•), has captivated audiences with its stunning c...
Youtube Video - Nika Zorjans V Postelji music video

Mon 22. July 14:45 - Villa Haven awarded ‘Emerging Luxury Resort of the Year’ at Fashion ... Awards
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Villa Haven has been honoured with the prestigious ‘Emerging Luxury Resort of the Year’ award at the Fashion Summer Awards 2024. The...

Mon 22. July 14:40 - JOALI Maldives welcomes award-winning Chef Eunji Lee from Lyse
Maldives Insider - Maldives
JOALI Maldives, the first and only art-immersive resort in the Maldives, welcomes pastry chef Eunji Lee to the island, sharing her edible art...

Mon 22. July 14:35 - Dusit Thani Maldives wins TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Award 2024
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Dusit Thani Maldives is delighted to announce that it has been honored with the prestigious TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Award 2024. T...

Mon 22. July 14:30 - MTDC Set to Begin Resort Development on Naagoashi Island
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
The Maldives Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) has announced that preparations are in progress to commence the development ...

Mon 22. July 14:25 - Tourist arrivals to the Maldives at 1.1 million
Sun Online - Maldives
Tourism Ministry statistics show that Maldives has recorded a total of 1.1 million tourist arrivals so far this year. As per the latest statistics fro...

Mon 22. July 14:20 - Marriott launches 'Beyond Ordinary' Maldives packages, with curated ...
Breaking Travel News - UK
Marriott has created a new suite package offering called 'Beyond Ordinary', involving a luxury getaway at one of three of its seven propertie...

Mon 22. July 14:15 - Minor Hotels appoints Judd Rabbidge as General Manager of Avani+ Fares ... Resort
BW Hotelier - USA
Rabbidge will lead the upscale lifestyle resort in the Baa Atoll. Minor Hotels has announced the appointment of Judd Rabbidge as the Ge...

Mon 22. July 14:10 - New Island Paradise with excl. Opening Offer at Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives
FTN News - USA
Centara Hotels & Resorts, Thailand’s leading hotel operator, proudly announces the grand opening of Centara Mirage Lagoon Maldives on...

Mon 22. July 14:05 - Lovebirds Vijay Varma, Tamannaah Bhatia's video from Maldives vacay goes VIRA...
Vijay Varma and Tamannaah Bhatia ... Interestingly, it is believed that the two went on a vacation in Maldives, and in a new viral video, t...

Sun 21. July 16:00 - Muraka Restaurant at Mirihi Island Resort receives 2024 Wine Spectator Award
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Muraka Restaurant at Mirihi Island Resort in Maldives has received the Wine Spectator award for 2024. This recognition is part of the Wine ...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Romantic Stargazing on Adaaran Prestige Vadoo

Sun 21. July 15:55 - Mercure Maldives Kooddoo unveils ... Vista Restaurant and authentic Italian Menu
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Mercure Maldives Kooddoo Resort is delighted to announce the reopening of Vista Restaurant after an extensive renovation. With a breath...

Sun 21. July 15:50 - St. Regis Maldives Vommuli appoints Nagi Mankarious as the new Resort Manager
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Maldives’ Finest Address, the St. Regis Vommuli Resort is pleased to announce the appointment of Nagi Mankarious as the new Resort Ma...

Sun 21. July 15:45 - JA Manafaru celebrates Maldives Independence Day with Cultural Week
VisitMaldives - Maldives
The stunning all-natural resort paradise, JA Manafaru, invites guests to immerse themselves in the rich culture of the Maldives during their...

Sun 21. July 15:40 - With swell waves predicted, caution advised for travelers on Sinamale' Bridge
The Edition - Maldives
With Maldives Meterological Service predicting swell waves, Police have advised persons travelling on the SinaMale' Bridge to exercise ca...

Sun 21. July 15:35 - Aishath Ulya sets new national record in 50m freestyle
Avas - Maldives
Aishath Ulya Shaaiq has set a new national record in the women's short course 50m freestyle at the University of Western Australia (UWA) W...

Sun 21. July 14:35 - Dheema, Ibadulla to hoist Maldivian flag at the Olympics
Raajje - Maldives
Maldives’ Table Tennis prodigy Fathimath Dheema Ali and athlete Ibadulla Adam will have the honor of hoisting the country's national fla...
courtesy Raajje - Fathimath Dheema Ali and Ibadulla Adam to hoist Maldivian flag at the Olympics

Sun 21. July 14:30 - Hollyoaks star Stephanie Waring secretly elopes to marry ... in the Maldives ...
The Sun - UK
Hollyoaks star Stephanie Waring has secretly married her boyfriend of four years after eloping to the Maldives. The soap star - who was rece...

Sun 21. July 14:25 - A Castaway Experience At Maldives' RAAYA: An Island With A Story - Scoop Empire
ScoopEmpire - USA
Imagine an entire island resort brought to life by an artist who got stranded there. But why just imagine? Seb, an adventurer and artist was ...

Sun 21. July 14:20 - Play to the Crowd's luxury Maldives getaway prize draw
Hampshire Chronicle - UK
Play to the Crowd has announced a charity prize draw to win a luxury getaway to Kuramathi Island in the Maldives. The arts and education...

Sun 21. July 14:15 - Escape to the Maldives in MSFS with FSDG’s comprehensive new scenery
MSFS Addons - USA
FSDG (Flight Sim Development Group) has just released its highly anticipated Maldives scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator This compre...

Sun 20. July 13:55 - Empty nest? Reboot romance at Adaaran Prestige Vadoo
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Discover the enchanting escape of Adaaran Prestige Vadoo, the perfect retreat for empty nesters, retirees, and couples eager to reconnect, ...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Romantic Stargazing on Adaaran Prestige Vadoo

Sun 20. July 13:50 - Celebrating shark conservation efforts, ocean education at Kuramathi Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Shark Awareness Day at Kuramathi Maldives was a resounding success, engaging guests in educational activities and immersive experienc...

Sun 20. July 13:45 - Romantic retreats: Couple spa bliss at Kandolhu Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Kandolhu Varu Spa invites couples to indulge in ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation with their exclusive romantic couple treatments, des...

Sun 20. July 13:40 - Scattered showers expected in some parts, mainly fine weather in south
Raajje - Maldives
The weather will clear up in southern atolls on Saturday. Apart from a few showers, mainly fine weather is expected. Seas will be slight. Sc...

Sun 20. July 13:35 - Maalegan Sports Club crowned champions of Fuvahmulah City Futsal Tournament
Raajje - Maldives
Maalegan Sports Club has been crowned the champions of the Fuvahmulah City Council Futsal Tournament. Maalegan Sports Club went ...
courtesy Raajje -  Maalegan Sports Club crowned champions of Fuvahmulah City Futsal Tournament

Sun 20. July 13:30 - Experiencing The Maldivian Dream At Alila Kothaifaru
Country&Town House - UK
The quintessential Maldives experience, Alila Kothaifaru exudes the Alila brand’s understated luxury with some seriously sleek villas, a coll...

Sun 20. July 13:25 - Huge £620million airport expansion to open in The Maldives - with 1.3m passenger ...
The Sun - UK
And the plans for the biggest airport in the world, set to open by 2030. WORK on a major airport development in one of the world's most po...

Sun 20. July 13:20 - 'Vibe Check': Tina Datta enjoys her fancy Maldives vacation
Pune - Island
Actress Tina Datta on Saturday shared a video of herself enjoying a vacation in the Maldives, giving fans major travel goals. Tina, who is k...

Sun 20. July 13:15 - CAVA Womens U20 Champioship kicks off in the Maldives
Asian Volleyball - Thailand
The first day of the CAVA Women’s U20 Volleyball Championship ended with exciting duels, with Kyrgyzstan emerging victorious against h...

Fri 19. July 15:10 - PADI launches Master Scuba Diver challenge with dream dive trip to Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
PADI has launched The Master Scuba Diver Challenge, incentivising scuba divers around the world to reach the peak of recreational scuba...
courtesy Maldives Insider - EuroDivers scuba divers

Fri 19. July 15:05 - Patina Maldives reaffirms commitment to sustainable tourism with ... Earthcheck...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Patina Maldives continues to advance their commitment to purposeful travel with a hands-on, data-led approach, resulting in the resort’s E...

Fri 19. July 15:00 - Mischa Zverev returns to JOALI BEING to host tennis workshops in August
Maldives Insider - Maldives
JOALI BEING invites German tennis professional, Mischa Zverev, to host tennis workshops between 9th and 19th August 2024. Young guest...

Fri 19. July 14:55 - Foreign national fined MVR 50,000 for trying to smuggle shark fins out of Maldives
One online - Maldives
A foreign man has been fined MVR 50,000 for trying to smuggle out a pair of shark fins from the Maldives. Mohamed Rushan Mohamed S...

Fr 19. July 14:50 - Contractor changed for National Stadium development
Avas - Maldives
Sports Minister Abdulla Rafiu has disclosed a change in the contractor responsible for the development of the National Stadium. The gove...
courtesy Avas - The Maldives National Stadium in Male

Fri 19. July 14:45 - Maldives' new airport being constructed with Indian assistance nearing completion
Daily Excelsior - India
Maldives has said that almost 68 per cent of the Hanimadhoo International Airport, being built under Indian assistance, is now complete, a...

Fri 19. July 14:40 - Maldives Getaway from Surfing to Space Camps at COMO Maalifushi
Discover the pristine beauty and crystal-clear waters of the Maldives with the exclusive Island Indulgence offer at COMO Maalifushi. This li...

Fri 19. July 14:35 - The one ... that surprised me about my stay at paradise resort The Standard Maldives
Hello Magazine - USA
The Maldives is home to so many luxury resorts ... Being a sun-worshipper, the Maldives has always been on my list. And after the gloomie...

Fri 19. July 14:30 - The Famous Emirati Illusionist, Moein Al Bastaki, returns to Kandima Maldives for ...
Rajpath Mathura - USA
Renowned Emirati magician and illusionist, Moein Al Bastaki, is set to dazzle audiences once again at Kandima Maldives’ Tropical Kandi...

Thu 18. July 14:15 - Gourmet bliss: Escapade gourmande by Constance Hotels in Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Luxury, enjoyment and culinary delights: from August 11 to 18 2024, the Escapade Gourmande - translated as 'Gourmet Getaway' - will tak...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Constanze Moofushi: Manta Restaurant

Thu 18. July 14:10 - Oblu Nature Helengeli gets PADI award for excellence supporting female dive sports
Maldives Insider - Maldives
In honour of providing exceptional services to female diving, OBLU NATURE Helengeli by SENTIDO, a resort in the portfolio of renowned ...

Thu 18. July 14:05 - Island indulgence at Como Maalifushi this summer
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Escape to the turquoise waters and natural beauty of the Maldives with the exclusive Island Indulgence offer at COMO Maalifushi. This lim...

Thu 18. July 14:00 - Dive into Fun with Popsicles at Mercure Maldives Kooddoo Resort Pool Bar!
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Get ready to chill out and dive into a burst of flavor with the exciting new popsicle experience at Mercure Maldives Kooddoo Resort! Our P...

Thu 18. July 13:55 - Ooredoo opens Masrace 2024 registrations with prize pool of MVR 126,000
One online - Maldives
Ooredoo Maldives has opened registrations for the highly anticipated Ooredoo Masrace 2024, the annual fishing competition that has bec...

Thu 18. July 13:50 - Tekkers Resort Cup begins at Crossroads Maldives
The Edition - Maldives
Tekkers Resort Cup 2024 has begun at Crossroads Maldives yesterday, wherein the first match saw hosts and former champions of the South...

Thu 18. July 13:45 - Introducing Zamani Islands: The first Maldives superyacht marina
YachtCharterFleet - UK
Atoll Estates has unveiled plans for Zamani Islands, a premier lifestyle destination and marina located in the South Malé Atoll, Maldives. ...

Thu 18. July 13:40 - Maldives Dive Resort presented with PADI outstanding ... to Womens Diving Award
Newswires - USA
Dive Centre TGI Maldives & OBLU NATURE Helengeli Presented With PADI Award For Excellence Supporting Female Dive Sports. In hon...

Thu 18. July 13:35 - Maldives’ Secret Paradise earns Top Sustainability Recognition: What you need ...
Local tour company Secret Paradise Maldives has achieved the prestigious Travelife Partner level, recognizing their long-term commitmen...

Thu 18. July 13:30 - Maldives Tourism’s future shaped by endorsed summit with Ministry and MMPRC
Destination Future is excited to announce the endorsement of the upcoming Future Summit by the Ministry of Tourism and the Maldives M...

Thu 18. July 13:25 - 7 Secret Places to Visit in Maldives in July 2024
WyandotteDaily - USA
Are you planning a trip to the Maldives in July 2024? If so, you’re in for a treat! The Maldives is a tropical paradise with crystal-clear waters...

Thu 18. July 13:20 - 2024 Investment Climate Statements: Maldives
U.S. Department of State
The Republic of Maldives comprises 1,190 islands in 20 atolls spread over 348 square miles in the Indian Ocean. Tourism is the main sour...

Wed 17. July 14:45 - Nova Maldives unveils group brunching experiences for families, friends
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Nova Maldives, the soulful community-based luxury island resort in the Maldives South Ari Atoll, has introduced its new Group Brunching E...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Nova Maldives Beach TV

Wed 17. July 14:40 - NH Collection Maldives Havodda ... invites filmmakers to capture magic in paradise
Maldives Insider - Maldives
NH Collection Maldives Havodda Resort has extended a warm invitation to filmmakers, production teams, and content creators worldwide w...

Wed 17. July 14:35 - Emirati illusionist Moein Al Bastaki returns to Kandima Maldives for ‘Tropical ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Renowned Emirati magician and illusionist, Moein Al Bastaki, is set to dazzle audiences once again at Kandima Maldives’ Tropical Summ...

Wed 17. July 14:30 - Kuda Villingili Resort, Maldives Fire Restaurant, Earns 2024 Wine Spectator ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Fire Restaurant has been honored for its outstanding wine program in Wine Spectator’s 2024 Restaurant Awards, which celebrate the world...

Wed 17. July 14:25 - Everything You Need to Know About TTM Maldives 2024
VisitMaldives - Maldives
TTM Maldives 2024, the country’s leading international travel trade show, will take place from August 21st to 22nd, 2024. During TTM Mal...

Wed 17. July 14:20 - PADI honours Oblu Nature Helengeli and TGI Maldives for Women’s Diving ...
MV+ - Maldives
OBLU NATURE Helengeli by Sentido and its dive centre partner, TGI Maldives, have been honoured with a PADI award for their 'Outstand...

Wed 17. July 14:15 - Spectator attacks referee during Fuvahmulah football match
The Edition - Maldives
A video circulating on Facebook shows the moment when a man suddenly ran onto the field from outside the stadium and kicked the refere...

Wed 17. July 14:10 - A Snorkeler's Paradise: Unveiling the Magic of Vilamendhoo Island Resort
Staying in heaven for five days may sound like a dream, but for me and my friends, this dream has become a reality at the Villamendho Isl...

Wed 17. July 14:05 - 7 Secret Places to Visit in Maldives in July 2024
Wyandottedaily - USA
Are you planning a trip to the Maldives in July 2024? If so, you’re in for a treat! The Maldives is a tropical paradise with crystal-clear waters...

Wed 17. July 14:00 - Nearly 1,000 disappearing islands in Maldives growing in size, surprising experts
The Times of India - Canada
If reports are to go by, when researchers analysed decades of aerial photos and satellite imagery, they came across an intriguing trend: Mos...

Wed 17. July 13:55 - Disappearing islands in the Maldives are surprisingly expanding in size ...
Curly Tales - USA
The scenic islands are now increasing in area and the latest findings stunned everyone. Are we advancing technology and everything arou...

Wed 17. July 13:50 - Is this immaculate resort the Indian Ocean's finest address?
Invite clients to discover the stylish serenity, spacious villas and tempting family offering at The St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort. With a...

Wed 17. July 13:45 - Travelers can now enjoy Maldives Overwater Villas through Hiltons new Partnership
Hilton has unveiled a new partnership with Small Luxury Hotels of the World, offering guests the unique opportunity to stay in luxurious ove...

Wed 17. July 13:40 - Marriott launches 'Beyond Ordinary' Maldives packages, with ... Bonvoy rewards
Business Traveller - UK
Marriott has created a new suite package offering called “Beyond Ordinary•, involving a luxury getaway at one of three of its seven properti...

Tue 16. July 14:55 - Kandima Maldives remains top choice for sports ... futsal camp with Ricardinho
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Growing in popularity as a holiday hotspot among sports personalities, active lifestyle resort Kandima Maldives with Ricardinho, holding th...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Kandima Maldives Futsal Camp

Tue 16. July 14:50 - Heritance Aarah recognised by Forbes ... as Best Beachfront All-Inclusive Resort ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Heritance Aarah, nestled in the pristine Raa Atoll of the Maldives, has been honoured with a prestigious accolade by the Forbes Magazine...

Tue 16. July 14:45 - ‘Stranded in the Maldves 2024' - Sold out
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives is fully booked for Music in Paradise 10th Anniversary celebration with Jimmy Barnes and friends. ...

Tue 16. July 14:40 - Maldivian Airline increases flights to Trivandrum
One online - Maldives
The national airline, Maldivian, has increased its flights to Trivandrum, India. Announcing the increase in flights, Maldivian stated in a pos...

Tue 16. July 14:35 - Fish supplies in stores dwindles, no fishing for over a month
The Edition - Maldives
Fishing in the Maldives has seen a drastic decline recently, leading to a shortage of fish and fish products in retail stores. Many people hav...

Tue 16. July 14:30 - Emerald Maldives Resort & Spa welcomes new General Manager
Breaking travel news - UK
Emerald Maldives Resort & Spa, the renowned deluxe all-inclusive resort in the Maldives and member of The Leading Hotels of the World...

Tue 16. July 14:25 - Nearly 1,000 disappearing islands in Maldives growing in size, surprising experts
The Times of India - Canada
In a stunning twist of fate, as many as 1,000 low-lying tropical islands in Maldives which were once considered doomed to disappear, are n...

Tue 16. July 14:20 - India and Maldives affirm commitment to stronger bilateral ties
IndBiz - India
Indian High Commissioner Munu Mahawar met with Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu to discuss joint efforts in maintaining Indian O...

Tue 16. July 14:15 - Stunning Video Shows Lucky Diver Swimming Next to Blue Whale in Maldives
yahoo! - USA
If you're an ocean lover and find everything that lives in it fascinating and awe-inspiring, this video that ABC News shared on Monday, July...

Mon 15. July 14:25 - Amilla Maldives joins prestigious Hilton and SLH partnership
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Amilla Maldives has joined the exclusive partnership between Hilton and Small Luxury Hotels of the World (SLH) This new collaboration m...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Amilla Maldives aerialview

Mon 15. July 14:20 - Universal Resorts Maldives joins exclusive Hilton and Small Luxury Hotels ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Universal Resorts, comprising Milaidhoo, Baros, Velassaru and Huvafen Fushi resorts, has announced its inclusion in the prestigious partne...

Mon 15. July 14:15 - Tennis pro Dominik Hrbaty to conduct training sessions at Sirru Fen Fushi Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sirru Fen Fushi - Private Lagoon Resort has announced the arrival of tennis legend Dominik Hrbaty for an exclusive series of training sessio...

Mon 15. July 14:10 - Maldives Ocean Alliance cautions over dangers of permitting shark fishing
The Edition - Maldives
Maldives Ocean Alliance (MOA) has sent a letter to the government urging the government to uphold the ban on shark fishing and caution...

Mon 15. July 14:05 - This new Island Resort in the Maldives will be ... Country’s first Superyacht Marina
Robb Report - USA
Zamani Islands will partially open in the spring of 2026. The Maldives is already stacked with luxury resorts - 172, at the time of writing - bu...

Mon 15. July 14:00 - Villa Park wins big as the Ultimate Family Destination in the Maldives ...
Villa Park has been honored at the prestigious Travel + Leisure Luxury Awards Asia Pacific 2024 reinforcing its status as one of the top fam...

Mon 15. July 13:55 - How the Maldives celebrates new Leadership with Riaan Drever as Cluster G.M. ...
The Maldives is delighted to welcome Mr. Riaan Drever as the new Cluster General Manager for Pullman Maldives Maamutaa and Mercur...

Mon 15. July 13:50 - Rare Maldives sea bird Lesser Noddy seen in Maharashtra; fails to survive
Deccan Herald - USA
Seabirds help fertilize the land by bringing important marine nutrients ... Navi Mumbai: A Lesser Noddy, a Maldivian sea bird, rarely seen i...

Sun 14. July 14:30 - Intercontinental Maldives Maamunagau Resort offers solace in silence this summer
Maldives Insider - Maldives
InterContinental Maldives Maamunagau Resort has unveiled its latest wellness offering of Silent Immersion Packages, including a ‘Hermit’ ...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Intercontinental Maldives Maamunagau Resort

Sun 14. July 14:25 - Coco Bodu Hithi partners with Anastasia Medvedeva for resin art
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Coco Bodu Hithi has announced a partnership with renowned artist Anastasia Medvedeva, who will host a three-month residency starting in...

Sun 14. July 14:20 - Kandima Maldives Summer Kamp 2024 - Unforgettable family fun awaits
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Calling all families! Get ready for an extraordinary summer experience at Kandima Maldives‘ Summer Kamp 2024, happening from Augus...

Sun 14. July 14:15 - Portuguese Footballer, Candido Costa, to host ... Football Camp at Fushifaru Maldives
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Fushifaru Maldives is thrilled to announce that the renowned portuguese football player and influential personality, Candido Costa, will be...

Sun 14. July 14:10 - Villa Park: Leading Family Resort at Travel + Leisure Luxury Awards 2024
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Villa Park has been recognized at the prestigious Travel + Leisure Luxury Awards Asia Pacific 2024, solidifying its reputation as one of the ...

Sun 14. July 14:05 - Accor appoints a new Cluster General Manager for Pullman Maldives Maamutaa ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Located in the Gaafu Alifu Atoll, Pullman Maldives Maamutaa and Mercure Maldives Kooddoo welcomes its new Cluster General Manage...

Sun 14. July 14:00 - Fasooha wins silver medal in Sri Lanka Athletics Junior Championship
The Edition - Maldives
Maldives' Fasooha Ahmed has won a silver medal in the 800 meter race in the currently ongoing Sri Lanka Athletic Junior International Ch...

Sun 14. July 13:55 - Maldives, Phu Quoc and Bali are the world’s top three most beautiful islands of 2024
Times of India - Canada
Maldives, Phu Quoc and Bali are the world’s top three most beautiful islands of 2024 ... The top spot on the list was secured by the Maldiv...

Sun 14. July 13:50 - Indian ship carrying 150 tonnes of food reaches Maldives to ease import costs
Firstpost - India
The arrival of the Indian cargo ship also saw the opening of a direct shipping route by the Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) from Tuticorin Port...

Sun 14. July 13:45 - India-Maldives collaboration: Direct shipping route revolutionizes ... imports to Addu
Devdicourse - USA
The inaugural shipment of 150 tonnes of perishable foods from India to Addu port marks a significant step in reducing import costs and co...

Sun 14. July 13:40 - Maldives urges Indians to ‘please be a part its tourism', says 'our economy depends
Amid a strained bilateral ties following derogatory remarks against India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a Maldives' minister has urged...

Sat 13. July 14:35 - Vaavu atoll wowed as blue whale makes rounds around the atoll
The Edition - Maldives
Mohamed Nawaz, an avid snorkeling enthusiast, first spotted the majestic 90 foot blue whale while out snorkeling on the eastern side of Ali...
courtesy The Edition - The blue whales graceful manoeuvres in the crystal-clear waters of the Maldives

Sat 13. July 14:30 - International PADI Women’s Dive Day ... with Manta Rays at The Nautilus Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Celebrate International PADI Women’s Dive Day on July 20th at The Nautilus Maldives, an ultra-luxury island resort in the UNESCO Biosph...

Sat 13. July 14:25 - Portuguese footballer Candido Costa to host football camp at Fushifaru Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Fushifaru Maldives has announced that the renowned Portuguese football player and influential personality, Candido Costa, will be visitin...

Sat 13. July 14:20 - Expatriate woman dies after drowning while diving off Hulhumale’
Sun Online - Maldives
An expatriate woman has died after drowning while diving off Hulhumale’ on Friday. Police, in a message to the media, identified the wo...

Sat 13. July 14:15 - Hotel Review: VARU by Atmosphere, Madivaru in the Maldives
Luxury Lifestyle Magazine - USA
Tucked away in the heart of the Maldives, VARU by Atmosphere is a tropical haven that promises a memorable luxury experience. If you’re...

Sat 13. July 14:10 - Transforming Mental Health: Kuda Villingili’s Surf Therapy Retreats
Salon Privé - UK
Building on the resounding success of last years collaboration, Kuda Villingili recently announced an extraordinary partnership with The W...

Sat 13. July 14:05 - The Maldives first superyacht marina Zamani Islands set to launch in 2026
SuperYacht Times - Netherlands
Atoll Estates has announced the development of Zamani Islands, a lifestyle destination and marina in South Malé Atoll, the Maldives. Za...

Sat 13. July 14:00 - Sreemoyee Chattoraj falls sick after coming back from Honeymoon with hubby ...
India Times - India
Sreemoyee Chattoraj is back from her honeymoon in the Maldives. The popular face of Bengali television jetted off to Maldives with her h...

Fri 12. July 13:35 - MACL announces plans to enhance baggage handling at VIA
PSM News - Maldives
Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of the Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) Ibrahim Mohamed Shareef has unveiled...
courtesy PSM News - Tthe CheckIn area in the VIA

Fri 12. July 13:30 - Air Service World Congress successfully concludes
PSM News - Maldives
The Air Service World Congress has successfully concluded with over 150 aviation delegates from across the globe. The congress was held ...

Fri 12. July 13:25 - Vaavu Atoll residents protest Bodufinolhu’s lease for resort development
Sun Online - Maldives
Vaavu Atoll residents protest leasing of Bodufinolhu for resort development on July 11, 2024. Vaavu Atoll residents have staged a protest o...

Fri 12. July 13:20 - Seek Solace in silence at Intercontinental Maldives Maamungau Resort the Summer
Hotel&Catering - USA
Unveiling a new ‘Silent Immersion Program’, InterContinental Maldives makes headway in offering quiet wellness packages in this Summe...

Fri 12. July 13:15 - Centara hires GMs for Samui and Maldives resorts
TTR Weekly - Thailand
Centara Hotels & Resorts is pleased to announce the appointment of two general managers to spearhead operations at key resorts in Samui...

Fri 12. July 13:10 - Soneva Jani hotel review: a playfully paradisical plot in the Maldives
The Times - USA
A treetop spa, observatory, pool villas complete with slides and endless ocean fun - this resort on the Noonu Atoll is the stuff castaway drea...

Fri 12. July 13:05 - Milaidhoo Maldives: Barfuss-Luxus im Paradies
Falstaff Travel - USA
A natural island paradise that is authentically connected to the heritage of the Maldives: this is Milaidhoo Maldives. The white sandy beac...

Fri 12. July 13:00 - The Westin Maldives Miriandhoo: A crowd-pleasing island paradise
London Luxury - UK
They say you can’t be all things to all people, but, if you’ve been fortunate enough to visit the Maldives, you’ll know the country’s resorts try...

Fri 12. July 12:55 - Nautilus Maldives celebrates female divers with an underwater experience
Travel Daily Media - USA
Female divers can explore the waters around Baa Atoll, a mesmerising aquatic environment. The Nautilus Maldives invites female diving ...

Fri 12. July 12:50 - US Updates Maldives Travel Advisory
Travelpulse - USA
The U.S. State Department has just issued a fresh travel advisory for those eyeing a trip to the popular archipelagic nations of The Maldive...

Thu 11. July 15:05 - Carnival capers, campfire chronicles at Siyam World Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Siyam World Maldives, the ultimate playground for travelers of all ages, has unveiled two brand-new experiences designed especially for ki...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Carnival capers, campfire chronicles at Siyam World Maldives

Thu 11. July 15:00 - NH Collection Maldives Havodda Resort unveils dreamy wedding packages for ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Couples seeking an unforgettable destination wedding can look no further than NH Collection Maldives Havodda Resort. Nestled on a pristi...

Thu 11. July 14:55 - Guesthouses haven't paid half a billion rufiya in electricity bills: STELCO
The Edition - Maldives
STELCO is attempting to recover payments the company is yet to receive for services billed over the past years. A total of over MVR 500,0...

Thu 11. July 14:50 - WAMCO to provide waste disposal services to resorts
PSM News - Maldives
Minister of Climate Change, Environment, and Energy Thoriq Ibrahim has announced that the Waste Management Corporation Limited W...

Thu 11. July 14:45 - MACL announces plans to introduce nighttime seaplane operations
PSM News - Maldives
Managing Director of Maldives Airport Company Limited (MACL) Ibrahim Shareef Mohamed has announced plans to establish a water run...

Thu 11. July 14:40 - Health Week with ... Shaun Stafford at Niyama Private Islands Maldives
RYT9 - India
Niyama Private Islands Maldives will hold its first-ever Fitness Week 21 - 28 September 2024. The retreat will be hosted by Shaun Stafford ...

Thu 11. July 14:35 - How to Plan a Once-in-a-lifetime Trip to the Maldives - Overwater Villas, Turquoise ...
Travel + Leisure - USA
Here's what you need to know before planning your Maldives vacation, including the best places to stay, things to do, and more. Mention a...

Thu 11. July 14:30 - The Maldives Is Building a Floating ‘Island City’ Because of Rising Ocean Levels
yahoo! - USA
Nearly 80 percent of the Maldives could become uninhabitable by 2050 due to rising sea levels, according to reports from NASA and the U...

Thu 11. July 14:25 - Kyrgyz women's beach volleyball team to take part in tournament in the Maldives.
AKIpress - Kyrgyz Republic
The Kyrgyz women's beach volleyball team will take part in an international tournament in the Maldives. The U-20 Volleyball Champions...

Thu 11. July 14:20 - China Pledges Comprehensive Support to Maldives
Devdiscourse - USA
Chinese Ambassador Wang Lixin assured Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu of comprehensive support from China, focusing on the ur...

Wed 10. July 14:25 - Air Service World Congress kicks off in the Maldives
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
The Air Service World Congress has officially commenced in the Maldives, bringing together numerous international dignitaries from the a...
courtesy Corporater Maldives - Air Service World Congress kicks off in the Maldives

Wed 10. July 14:20 - MPL begins work to establish a yacht marina in Haa Alif atoll Uligan
The Edition - Maldives
MPL has declared that efforts are underway to establish a yatch marina in Ha. Uligan in order to faciliate the means for the island to suffici...ö

Wed 10. July 14:15 - South Asian Travel Awards unveils events for 2024
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The South Asian Travel Awards (SATA) has announced its exciting lineup of events for 2024, aiming to celebrate and honor excellence in...

Wed 10. July 14:10 - Ooredoo Maldives hosts excl. Meet & Greet with Football Legend Jay-Jay Okocha
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
Ooredoo Maldives hosted an exclusive meet and greet session with Paris Saint-Germain legend Jay-Jay Okocha on 8th July 2024. The ev...

Wed 10. July 14:05 - This luxury Anantara resort in the Maldives hits the spot
Escape - Australia
This is every reason you should book a stay at Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort, a paradise in the middle of the Indian Ocean. On the fenc...

Wed 10. July 14:00 - A trip to Nova Maldives, where 'everywhere you turn is jaw-dropping'
The Herald - UK
I’m hot and sweaty. I’ve just arrived at Malé airport following a long flight from Manchester – via a turbulent lightning storm in Qatar– to be...

Wed 10. July 13:55 - CROSSROADS Maldives: Singha Estate Pioneers Environmental Success ...
Singha Estate Public Company Limited (SET:S), a leading conglomerate in real estate investment and development, operating both in T...

Wed 10. July 13:50 - 3 more Maldives overwater villas now bookable with Hilton points & free night ...
Frequent Miler - USA
Hilton integrated hundreds more Small Luxury Hotels of the World (SLH) properties today ... if you’re interested in staying in an overwater v...

Tue 09. July 14:30 - Riaan Drever appointed Cluster General Manager of Pullman Maldives Maamutaa ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Pullman Maldives Maamutaa and Mercure Maldives Kooddoo, idyllic island escapes nestled in the Gaafu Alifu Atoll, has announced the ...

courtesy Maldives Insider - Pullman Maldives Maamutaa Island Resort

Tue 09. July 14:25 - Celebrate fresh, local ingredients with Le Meridien Maldives’ new menu
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Le Meridien Maldives Resort & Spa has unveiled its brand-new menu, crafted with passion, precision, and a sprinkle of innovation. The culi...

Tue 09. July 14:20 - Suvasthi Gallery of Oaga Art Resort unveils 2nd Veyoge Gallery Villa Exhibition
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Oaga Art Resort, the idyllic Maldivian sanctuary renowned for its fusion of luxury and local art, has unveiled its second Veyoge Gallery Vill...

Tue 09. July 14:15 - Kandooma Maldives ‘DIVE FREE’ Major Success
In August last year, Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives, launched a ‘Dive Free’ promotion offering free scuba diving for guests. A year ...

Tue 09. July 14:10 - July Kicks Off with Surge in Maldives Tourism
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
The latest data from the Ministry of Tourism reveals a substantial increase in tourist arrivals to the Maldives in early July 2024. From July 1...

Tue 09. July 14:05 - Maldives invites Indian national cricket team to celebrate World Cup win in Maldives
One online - Maldives
Maldives has invited the Indian cricket team to visit the maldives to celebrate the success of this year's T20 World Cup. 'The corporation an...

Tue 09. July 14:00 - Velana International hosts Air Service World Congress in Maldives
TravelDailyNews - USA
VIA hosts Air Service World Congress in Kurumba Maldives, fostering global airline connections and boosting tourism. Velana International...

Tue 09. July 13:55 - The 5 Best Islands in Asia, According to Travel + Leisure Readers
Travel + Leisure - USA
For the third year in a row, the independent island country of the Maldives aced out other Asian island picks in our "World’s Best Awards" su...

Tue 09. July 13:50 - Maldives Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma extends popular ‘Dive Free’ Promotion ...
TTW - Maldives
Maldives Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma launched a ‘Dive Free’ promotion last August, offering complimentary scuba diving for guests. Due...

Tue 09. July 13:45 - Dive into authentic Maldivian Traditions with Anantara Kihavah’s Heritage Expedition
Anantara Kihavah Maldives Villas unveils 'Maldivian Heritage Expedition', an exclusive cultural journey designed to offer guests an authe...

Tue 09. July 13:40 - Ambitious projects, global support transform ID management in the Maldives
Biometric Update - USA
The Maldives has started on an ambitious journey to transform its identity management systems by incorporating digital technologies to im...

Tue 09. July 13:35 - Win a place on a Maldives fam trip with Sun Siyam Resorts
TRavel Gossip - UK
Maldivian-owned Sun Siyam Resorts has 5 resorts located across the sparkling Indian Ocean. Offering a great choice of affordable luxury re...

Sun 07. July 14:50 - Experience magic of ‘Tales From The Golden Hour’ at The Nautilus Maldives ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
This festive season, The Nautilus Maldives invites guests to celebrate with a unique blend of ultra-luxury hospitality and free-spirited charm...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Magic Tales from The Golden Hour at The Nautilus Maldives

Sun 07. July 14:45 - Jay-Jay Okocha enjoys luxurious escape at SO/ Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
SO/ Maldives welcomes Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) legend Jay-Jay Okocha in collaboration with the world-renowned football club and Oor...

Sun 07. July 14:40 - Maldives Marine Industry Forum 2024 (MMIF'24) successfully concludes ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
The Maldives Marine Industry Forum 2024 (MMIF’24) has successfully concluded th it’s second edition today (on July 6 , 2024) at Meeruma...

Sun 07. July 14:35 - Clean Maldives launches 1,000 tree planting program in Hulhumal
One online - Maldives
Clean Maldives and Dhiraagu have launched a tree planting initiative in Hulhumalé, aiming to plant a 1,000 trees. Environment Minister ...

Sun 07. July 14:30 - Maldives on the Brink: Navigating Climate Challenges and Economic Growth
Devdiscourse - USA
The Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) for the Maldives highlights the critical intersection of climate change and economic...

Sun 07. July 14:25 - Maldives blue economy sustainability push builds upon its traditions and folk stories
scmp - USA
The Maldives’ development model, which has aimed to make better use of its marine resources, plays a key role in its survival and growth. ...

Sun 07. July 14:20 - Mumbo jumbo in the Maldives
The Week - India
How sorcery plays a role in Maldivian politics ... Fathimath Shamnaz Ali’s is one such. She had been politically close to Mohamed Muizzu ...

Sun 07. July 14:15 - 10 best hotels in the Maldives, AA loses more bags than any other airline and Amex ...
Frequent Miler - USA
AA loses more luggage than any other airline ... and the ten best luxury hotels in the Maldives. All that and more in this week’s Saturday S...

Sun 07. July 14:10 - Discover the majesty of scuba diving in the Maldives
Following a marble ray as it silently ripples just above the seafloor ... finish my open-water diver certification before arriving in the Maldives...

Sat 06. July 14:40 - Maldivian celebrates ten fantastic Years of its Seaplane Services
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Ten years ago today, Maldivian, the national airline of the Maldives, launched its seaplane operations, forever transforming the way tourist...
courtesy VisitMaldives - Maldives Seaplane at a Sandbank

Sat 06. July 14:35 - Kandooma Maldives extends Dive Free promo until 31 October 2025
Maldives Insider - Maldives
In August last year, Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives, launched a ‘Dive Free’ promotion offering free scuba diving for guests. A year ...

Sat 06. July 14:30 - Wayne Routledge brings Premier League flair to Siyam World Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Buckle up, football enthusiasts, because Siyam World Maldives is set to deliver a football extravaganza like no other! This Autumn, Siyam...

Sat 06. July 14:25 - Italian Jets capture aerial images of the Maldives
The Edition - Maldives
The Italian Air Force, Aeronautica Militare, has released photos and videos of the Maldives airspace captured when its military jets landed ...

Sat 06. July 14:20 - MIFCO Staff Initiate Island Clean-Up During Low Fishing Season
MV+ - Maldives
Staff at the Maldives Industrial Fisheries Complex (MIFCO) have launched a clean-up programme on Kooddoo Island, taking advantage of...

Sat 06. july 14:15 - Ooredoo holds Fun Run featuring Jay Jay Okocha
Sun Online - Maldives
Ooredoo Maldives has held Fun Run at L. Gan on Friday, featuring Paris Saint-Germain legend and former Nigerian national team icon A...
courtesy Sun Online - Ooredoo Maldives holds Fun Run at Laamu Gan featuring PSG Legend JayJay Okocha - (Photo by Ooredoo)

Sat 06. July 14:10 - Hotel Review: Kagi Maldives Resort and Spa, North Male Atoll in the Maldives
Luxury Lifestyle Magazine - UK
Kagi Maldives Resort and Spa is a heavenly sanctuary of serenity and wellness – a unique and indulgent retreat for those seeking relaxatio...

Sat 06. July 14:05 - Maldivian Seaplanes a Decade of Linking Atolls with Luxury and Ease
Ten years ago today, Maldivian, the national airline of the Maldives, initiated its seaplane operations, revolutionizing tourist travel within t...

Sat 06. July 14:00 - In Photos: BeOnd's Milan-Maldives Inaugural
Airways - USA
On July 3, 2024, Airways was in attendance as luxury airline BeOnd (B4) began service between Milan Malpensa (MXP) and Male, Maldiv...

Sat 06. July 13:55 - Growing Chinese footprint in the Maldives raises over-reliance concerns
CNA - Chines
China's economic footprint in the Maldives is growing, but its infrastructure investments promising to boost tourism and development are al...

Fri 05. July 15:15 - Dusit Thani Maldives invites ... Maldives adventure Majestic Manta Escape package
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Nestled within the stunning landscapes of the Maldives, Dusit Thani Maldives in the mesmerising location of Baa Atoll invites guests to exp...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Dusit Thani Maldives invites Maldives adventure with Majestic Manta Escape package

Fri 05. July 15:10 - Plan your Festive early at NH Collection Maldives Havodda Resort
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Get ready for an unforgettable holiday season at NH Collection Maldives Havodda Resort, where the resort is rolling out the extraordinary c...

Fri 05. July 15:05 - Tourism ministry to form task force for Shangri-La reopening
PSM News - Maldives
The Ministry of Tourism has decided to set up a special task force to reopen Shangri-La Resort and Spa the largest resort in Addu City. Kno...

Fri 05. July 15:00 - Council raises concern over Vaavu atoll Bodufinolhu leasing for resort development
The Edition - Maldives
Vaavu atoll Council has raised concerns over the leasing of Bodufinolhu island for resort development, which is used as an excursion destin...
courtesy The Edition - Vaavu Atoll Bodufinolhu

Fri 05. July 14:55 - Atmosphere Core resort in the Maldives
ET HospitalityWorld - USA
RAAYA by Atmosphere features 167 beach and ocean villas, and six varied dining choices infusing local tradition and global cuisine. Atm...

Fri 05. July 14:50 - The vanishing islands that failed to vanish
Hawaii Tribune Herald - USA
Adam Shakir and the mass of sand bags, wooden pilings and rubble he is using to slow erosion at his Manta Sea Guest House on the islan...

Fri 05. July 14:45 - Visiting Maldives? Here's why you should stay in underwater hotels
NewsBytes - USA
The Maldives, with its crystal-clear waters and vibrant marine life, offers a unique accommodation experience beneath the ocean's surface ...

Fri 05. July 14:40 - The Original Barefoot-Luxury Brand Just Launched Soneva Secret in the Maldives
Travel + Leisure - USA
Ringed by a dazzling turquoise lagoon in the remote Makunudhoo Atoll on the Maldives’ westernmost edge, Soneva Secret (rates from US...

Fri 05. July 14:35 - Dive into Luxury at Dusit Thani Maldives and the Enchanting Hanifaru Bay
Nestled within the stunning landscapes of the Maldives, Dusit Thani Maldives in the mesmerizing Baa Atoll invites guests to explore the w...

Fri 05. July 14:30 - Kaani Hotels and Tours celebrates ... Transforming Vaavu Atoll Lagoon ...
Kaani Hotels and Tours, pioneers of local island tourism, have achieved a milestone by securing the bid to develop a lagoon into a resort ...

Fri 05. July 14:25 - Unlock the Secrets of ultimate well-being Nova Maldive Wellness ... Dr.Lim Xiang Jun
Nova Maldives proudly unveils its eagerly awaited Wellness Retreat, featuring renowned Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner ...

Fri 05. July 14:20 - Maldives shows the way to a thriving ‘Blue Economy’
Asia Times - Hong Kong
Climate change-hit Maldives showing ‘Blue Economy’ opportunities are as vast and profound as the ocean itself. The Maldives’ ocean ecos...

Thu 04. July 15:15 - Destination ... to experience the ultimate Maldives adventure with Majestic Manta ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Nestled within the stunning landscapes of the Maldives, Dusit Thani Maldives in the mesmerizing location of Baa Atoll invites guests to ex...
courtesy VisitMaldives - Mantas and Snorkelers

Thu 04. July 15:10 - Castaway to Maldives newest island experience: RAAYA by Atmosphere
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Set to be one of 2024’s most popular new destinations for castaway escapes, today marks the official launch of ‘RAAYA by Atmosphere’ - th...

Thu 04. July 15:05 - Reethi Beach Resort celebrates World Oceans Day
Maldives Insider - Maldives
A successful coral planting event was conducted at Reethi Beach Resort in conjunction with Ocean Fanatics Maldives to mark World Ocean...

Thu 04. July 15:00 - Kaani Hotels Wins Vaavu Lagoon Bid, Expands from Guesthouses to Resorts
VisitMaldives - Maldives
In a milestone achievement, Kaani Hotels and Tours, pioneers of local island tourism, have secured the bid to develop a lagoon into a res...

Thu 04. July 14:55 - MATATO partners with Hotel Jen to host first-ever all-women ... Travel Conference
Sun Online - Maldies
The Maldives Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators (MATATO), in partnership with Hotel Jen Male’, is set to the first-ever all-wo...

Thu 04. July 14:50 - Boat enroute to Male’ runs aground on Noonu Lofaru reef
Avas - Maldives
A boat traveling from Sh. Vangaaru to Male’ has run aground N. Lofaru reef. The 75-foot-long 'Nasfaru' boat, travelling with 10 people, ran...
courtesy Avas - Boat enroute to Male runs aground on Noonu Lofaru reef

Thu 04. July 14:45 - Discovering Maldivian Culinary Heritage with Chef Mohamed Niyaz at Kaagé
Deccan Chronicle - USA
As Kaage´ is our signature restaurant where we could showcase our Naturally Maldivian heritage, I use only fishes like Tuna, Mackerel, and...

Thu 04. July 14:40 - Explore the Maldives and Beyond with COMO Hotels and Resorts
Luxuo - Singapore
From astronaut-led space camps to marine explorations and eco-camps, COMO Maalifushi and COMO Cocoa Island promise to inspire and...

Thu 04. July 14:35 - Your Guide to Maldives Most Expensive Resorts
Maldives-Paradise.com has unveiled an exclusive list of the most expensive hotel rooms and villas in the Maldives for 2024. In an insightfu...

Thu 04. July 14:30 - Your Guide to Maldives Most Expensive Resorts
Maldives-Paradise.com has unveiled an exclusive list of the most expensive hotel rooms and villas in the Maldives for 2024. In an insightfu...

Thu 04. July 14:25 - Island time: Why some resorts in the Maldives move their clocks ahead an hour
yahoo! - USA
It may be true that Maldives’ luxury resorts really do have it all – the turquoise water, the rich marine life, and, in some cases, their own tim...

Thu 04. July 14:20 - Island time: Why some resorts in the Maldives move their clocks ahead an hour
yahoo! - USA
It may be true that Maldives’ luxury resorts really do have it all – the turquoise water, the rich marine life, and, in some cases, their own tim...

Thu 04. July 14:15 - Family of dead Maldivian model claim it was murder not suicide
Yahoo! - USA
The family of the Maldivian model who was found dead in Bangladesh ... Raudha Athif’s body was found in her dorm room on March 29 a...

Wed 03. July 14:25 - Sun, Sea, and Surf Therapy - Kuda Villingili Partners with The Wave Project ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
The importance of ‘green spaces’ for mental health is a well-documented phenomenon, however recent study’s have found how impactful ...
courtesy Maldives Insider - The Ritz Carlton Maldives Fari Islands 2-Bedroom Beach-Pool-Villa

Wed 03. July 14:20 - Ultimate beach dinning at Kandolhu Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Indulge in the ultimate luxury dining experience with a Beach Dinner at Kandolhu Maldives, where every detail is meticulously crafted to ...

Wed 03. July 14:15 - Bringing Lily Beach to New Heights with Strategic Appointments
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Lily Beach Resort & Spa is delighted to highlight new appointments at the property – Laurent Driole as General Manager and Ali Arushad ...

Wed 03. July 14:10 - One&Only Reethi Rah Maldives welcomes new Excom Team Members
VisitMaldives - Maldives
One&Only Reethi Rah, Maldives has announced two important appointments to its executive team. Kanchana Perera, an experienced hot...

Wed 03. July 14:05 - Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives announces dates for ‘Under the Milky Way
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives and event organisers Music in Paradise have confirmed that Australian band, ‘The Church’ will pe...

Wed 03. July 14:00 - Contemporary art exhibition ‘Unveiling Visions’ set to open next week
Sun Online - Maldives
The Maldives contemporary art exhibition ‘Unveiling Visions 2024’ is set to open at the National Art Gallery in Male’ City next week. Organi...

Wed 03. July 13:55 - TC Sport Club defeats Super United Sports in penalty shootout ...
The Edition - Maldives
TC has triumphed the U19 Youth Championships 2024 with a score of 5-4 secured during the penalty shootouts against Super United. The...

Wed 03. July 13:50 - Heavy rainfall predicted up north, White Alert issued
The Edition - Maldives
MET has predicted thunderstorms across atolls in the northern and southern region of Maldives during the next 24 hours with scattered sho...
courtesy The Edition - Heavy rainfall predicted up north, White Alert issued

Wed 03. July 13:45 - Marriott Bonvoy Unveils ‘Beyond Ordinary’ with Luxury Getaways to the Maldives
Breaking Travel News - UK
Welcome Googler! If you find this article interesting, you might want to subscribe to our Newsletter for the latest travel news. Marriott Bonvo...

Wed 03. July 13:40 - Dive deep into Soneva’s ultra-luxury new resort in the Maldives
Wallpapaer - UK
Soneva Secret, the first resort in the Haa Dhaalu Atoll, offers 14 secluded overwater and island villas. It seems good things do come to thos...

Wed 03. July 13:35 - Maldives-Paradise.com showcases exclusive List of Premium Hotel Rooms ...
The Maldives is globally celebrated for its dazzling beaches and crystalline waters, and it hosts some of the most luxurious and costly acco...

Wed 03. July 13:30 - Marriott Bonvoy dominates with 7 wins at Travel + Leisure’s Luxury Awards Asia ...
On June 13, 2024, Travel + Leisure Southeast Asia ... Best House Reef in Maldives: W Maldives is celebrated for its exceptional house reef...

Wed 03. July 13:25 - Beyond Exciting: I’m Flying Beond Airlines
One Mile - USA
Perhaps more accurately, I should say that I booked a ticket on Beond Airlines ... all-business class airline startup based in the Maldives. Th...

Tue 02. July 14:45 - Marriott Bonvoy unveils ‘Beyond Ordinary’ with luxury getaways to Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Marriott Bonvoy’s portfolio of luxury resorts in the Maldives presents ‘Beyond Ordinary’ suite package, inviting guests to embark on an unpar...
courtesy Maldives Insider - The Ritz Carlton Maldives Fari Islands 2-Bedroom Beach-Pool-Villa

Tue 02. July 14:40 - Idyllic summer escape at Centara Grand, Ras Fushi Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Treat yourself to something special this summer as both Centara Grand Island Resort & Spa Maldives and Centara Ras Fushi Resort & Spa ...

Tue 02. July 14:35 - Fleet of Italy Air Force military aircrafts transit at VIA
Raajje - Maldives
The booming noise heard over the capital Malé City on Tuesday afternoon was the sound of five Italian military aircrafts arriving at Velana...

Tue 02. July 14:30 - Number of operational tourist facilities rises to 1,203
Raajje - Maldives
The guesthouses span across 117 islands of 20 atolls. Maldives currently has a capacity of 1,210 tourist facilities. 62,360 tourist beds are in...

Tue 02. July 14:25 - Medtech Maldives seeks Proposals for Hulhumalé Fitness and Wellness Centre
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
Medtech Maldives Pvt Ltd, a leading healthcare company, is inviting rent/lease proposals for the establishment and operation of services a...

Tue 02. July 14:20 - Cable theft prompts power cuts in some Male’ areas
Sun Online - Maldives
Cables at a STELCO sub-station located near Majeeedhiyya School were cut through and stolen prompting power cuts in some Male’ area...

Tue 02. July 14:15 - Fearless woman swims with over 20 sharks to conquer her fear.
Hyperfresh - USA
Muthi Annuriy from Indonesia is only 29 years old. During her visit to the Maldives last October, she faced one of her childhood fears: swim...

Tue 02. July 14:10 - Hotel Review: OBLU NATURE Helengeli by SENTIDO in the Maldives
Luxury Lifestyle Magazine - USA
The Maldives is a destination that is on every luxury traveller’s bucket list, and with its powdery white sand beaches, crystalline waters and s...

Tue 02. July 14:05 - What to pack for the Maldives
The Courier Mail - Australia
The Maldives doesn't just have to be about lazing. You can also rev up your activity levels and come home fitter and stronger. Especially if...

Tue 02. July 14:00 - Marriott Bonvoy Dominates With Seven Wins At Travel + Leisure’s Luxury Awards Asia Pacific
On June 13, 2024 Travel + Leisure Southeast Asia, Hong Kong & Macau announced the winners ... Best House Reef in Maldives: W Maldi...

Tue 02. July 13:55 - Islands are not Vanishing as Sea Levels Rise. Many are Stable...Or Growing
Life and let's Fly - USA
While climate modeling predicted many islands would disappear as sea levels rose ... in island nations like the Maldives: While there is so...

Tue 02. July 13:50 - This authentic sanctuary is how the Maldives should be experienced
Condé Nast Traveller - USA
Conrad Maldives Rangali Island is a true original, a peaceful paradise that honours its surroundings. When Conrad Maldives Rangali Island...

Tue 02. July 13:45 - Helping save the Maldives’ Coral Kingdoms - A Traveller’s Guide to Conservation
Editorialge - Island
The Maldives is a tropical paradise wearing the crown in the world of South Asian travel – a fact that wouldn’t come as a surprise if you you...

Mon 01. July 14:35 - World-class diving, snorkelling, watersports & sustainability ... at Gili Lankanfushi
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Gili Lankanfushi, the pioneer of sustainable, barefoot luxury in the Maldives, has revealed its most awe-inspiring underwater adventures, av...

Mon 01. July 14:30 - Clean Maldives to plant 1,000 trees in Hulhumalé
One online - Maldives
Clean Maldives, an environmental organization, has revealed that they are set to plant 1,000 trees in the second phase of Hulhumalé. Cle...

Mon 01. July 14:25 - Maldives signs the 'Samoa Agreement'
The Press - Maldives
The Maldives has signed the Partnership Agreement between the European Union (EU) and its Member States, of the one part, and the M...

Mon 01. July 14:20 - Hilton Maldives Amingiri Resort & Spa celebrates two Years of Indulgence
Travel + Leisure - USA
Embrace the serene luxury of Hilton Maldives Amingiri Resort & Spa, a secluded paradise in the Indian Ocean offering ultimate relaxation...

Mon 01. July 14:15 - A Luxurious Retreat on an Island at Atmosphere Kanifushi, Maldives
Deccan Chronicle - USA
From the moment my feet touched the shining white sand of Atmosphere Kanifushi, a gorgeous island in the Indian Ocean, my anticipatio...

Mon 01. July 14:10 - Searching for a rustic resort in the Maldives? We’ve got just the spot
Glamour Magazine - UK
If you’re looking for an artistic, free-spirited hotel in the Maldives, look no further. If you have had the delight of visiting the Maldives, then ...

Mon 01. July 14:05 - Inside Joey Essex’s Casa Amor ex’s very glamorous life ... in Maldives and Marbella
The Sun - UK
Joey Essex ex and Casa Amor newbie Emma Milton has given a sneak peek inside her very glamorous life with luxury holidays in the Maldi...

Sun 30. June 14:20 - Marriott Bonvoy’s resorts win major awards at ... Luxury Awards Asia Pacific
Maldives insider - Maldives
Travel + Leisure Southeast Asia, Hong Kong & Macau unveiled the winners of its prestigious 2024 Luxury Awards in Bangkok on June 13, 2...
courtesy Maldives Insider - St Regis Maldives Vommuli

Sun 30. June 14:15 - Embracing surf culture in Maldives at Adaaran Select Hudhuran Fushi
Maldives insider - Maldives
Adaaran Select Hudhuran Fushi stands as one of the exclusive surf holiday resorts in the Maldives offering surfers access to the Lohis Surf b...

Sun 30. June 14:10 - ‘Chef Pam’ of Potong at The Ritz-Carlton Maldives in August
Maldives insider - Maldives
The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands presents an epicures’ delight, welcoming two culinary friends to its table this Summer. These exclusi...

Sun 30. June 14:05 - Marriott Bonvoy’s Portfolio of Luxury Resorts in the Maldives win major Awards ...
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Travel + Leisure Southeast Asia, Hong Kong & Macau unveiled the winners of its prestigious 2024 Luxury Awards in Bangkok on June 13, 2...

Sun 30. June 14:00 - Ooredoo Maldives Partners with FII to Host Freediving Safety Session
Corporate Maldives - Maldives
Ooredoo Maldives, in partnership with Freediving Instructors International (FII), has announced an exclusive event dedicated to the growin...

Sun 30. June 13:55 - Inflation rate in the Maldives rises in May
Avas - Maldives
The inflation ... increases were recorded in the following sectors: Electricity: 37.44 percent - Supply water: 45.70 percent - Meat: 0.54 perc...

Sun 30. June 13:50 - Biado crushes Kuwaiti rival to reach Maldives 10-ball quarters
Head Topics - Turkey
Carlo Biado flexed his might and dispatched Kuwait’s Bader Al Awadi, 10-4, to barge into the quarterfinals of the 2024 Maldives Open 10-...

Sun 30. June 13:45 - Inside Love Island All Stars winners Tom Clare and Molly Smith’s idyllic Maldives ...
The Sun - UK
Love Island's Tom Clare and Molly Smith have been enjoying an idyllic Maldives trip - with the footballer even hinting at engagement. All...

Sat 29. June 14:05 - Unleash your island spirit with ‘Voyage to Velavaru’ offer
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Angsana Velavaru invites travellers to set sail on an extraordinary journey, where the rhythm of the waves and the whisper of the palms igni...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Angsana Velavaru Inocean Pool Villa Sunse

Sat 29. June 14:00 - Celebrating International Yoga Day at Kuramathi Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
On June 21st, 2024, Kuramathi embraced the spirit of International Yoga Day with a diverse array of activities that catered to all ages and ...

Sat 29. June 13:55 - Turkish celebrity Sevgi Eren enjoys unforgettable stay at Sheraton Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon & Spa, recently had the honour of hosting Turkish celebrity and influencer Sevgi Eren, who enjoyed an extra...

Sat 29. June 13:50 - Tourism Minister projects 2.5 million tourists for Maldives in 2025
PSM News - Maldives
Minister of Tourism Ibrahim Faisal has announced ambitious projections for the Maldivian tourism sector, expecting at least 2.5 million tou...

Sat 29. June 13:45 - Sonee Sports launches football 'Kick-off promotion'
The Edition - Maldives
'Kick Off', promotion was launched at Sonee Sports' Puma store. Under the promotion, the store will offer football shoes for MVR 250, MVR...

Sat 29. June 13:40 - Skeptics mislead on Maldives climate resilience, sea level rise
AFP - France
Social media posts cite research showing the size of many islands in the Maldives remains stable to claim the threat of global warming is e...

Sat 29. June 13:35 - Silent immersion at InterContinental Maldives
TTG media - USA
Unveiling a new ‘Silent Immersion Program’, InterContinental Maldives makes headway in offering quiet wellness packages. InterContinent...

Sat 29. June 13:30 - Here is how Maldives Marketing and PR Corporation (MMPRC) and Manta Air ...
The Maldives has always been a dream destination for travelers worldwide, and with the recent “Explore Maldives• roadshow, the Maldives...

Fri 28. June 14:45 - Mercure Kooddoo Resort: Where luxury meets culinary innovation
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Mercure Kooddoo Resort presents a unique gastronomic experience that combines the rich flavours of gourmet burgers with the sophisticat...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Mercure Kooddoo Resort: Where luxury meets culinary innovation

Fri 28. June 14:40 - Turkish celebrity Sevgi Eren enjoys unforgettable stay at Sheraton Maldives
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon & Spa, recently had the honour of hosting Turkish celebrity and influencer Sevgi Eren, who enjoyed an extra...

Fri 28. June 14:35 - Visit Maldives and Manta Air ... conclude the Explore Maldives roadshow in Bengaluru
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Visit Maldives and Manta Air with key resort/guest house partners have successfully concluded the “Explore Maldives• roadshow held at the ...

Fri 28. June 14:30 - Gov't aims to resume Shangri-La operations to enhance tourism in Addu
PSM News - Maldives
Minister of Tourism Ibrahim Faisal has highlighted the ongoing efforts to reopen the largest resort in Addu City, Shangri-La Resort and Spa...

Fri 28. June 14:25 - Maldives financial situation in jeopardy, Fitch rating fears island nation go into debt
Raajje - Maldives
One of the world’s largest credit rating agencies, Fitch Ratings has shed the spotlight on the possibility of Maldives falling into a pit of debt ...

Fri 28. June 14:20 - Spot manta rays in the Maldives with private cruises, on-call services Premium
The Hindu - India
Private cruises and on-call services highlight this year’s manta spotting season courtesy of The Manta Trust in the Maldives.Every June, the...

Fri 28. June 14:15 - Veligandu Maldives Resort Island to open November 2024
Hotel&Catering Middle East - USA
Crown and Champa Resorts (CCR) expands its presence in the luxury space with its latest opening, Veligandu Maldives Resort Island in the...

Fri 28. June 14:10 - Meet a Maldivian Coconut Master
Travel + Leisure - USA
The Maldives runs on Coconuts. Every part of the fruit from the country’s national tree is a household item, used throughout its atolls, from i...

Fri 28. June 14:05 - Best time to Visit the Maldives for Luxury Holidays
News whatch - USA
Made up of hundreds of islands in the Indian Ocean, the Maldives is known for its relaxing palm-fringed beaches with white sands and prist...

Fri 28. June 14:00 - Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives declares new Summer Offerings
Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives has recently elevated and revamped its 'All-inclusive' offerings making it one of the sought-after in...

Fri 28. June 13:55 - Pranitaa Pandit takes a trip to Maldives!
Telly Chakkar - India
Incredible is how actress Pranitaa Pandit describes her recent trip to Maldives. The actress, who is known for her shows Kasam...

Thu 27. June 16:00 - Maldives celebrates arrival of 2024’s 1 millionth tourist
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Maldives on Thursday welcomed the one millionth tourist to visit this year. The one millionth tourist is a Thai named Sutapa Amonwivat, w...
courtesy Maldives Insider - Maldives Welcomes One Millionth Tourist of 2024

Thu 27. June 15:55 - JA Manafaru to host Mixologist Federico Penzo for exclusive guest mixology ...
Maldives Insider - Maldives
JA Manafaru, the award-winning resort nestled in the Maldives’ pristine Haa Alifu Atoll has announced the upcoming visit of renowned mix...

Thu 27. June 15:50 - Oaga Art Resort gets nominations in South Asian, Travel Trade Maldives Awards
Maldives Insider - Maldives
Oaga Art Resort, a haven for those who crave an escape brimming with artistic inspiration and carefree indulgence, has been nominated fo...

Thu 27. June 15:45 - Maldives Welcomes Sutapa Amornvivat, the One Millionth Tourist of 2024
VisitMaldives - Maldives
Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/ Visit Maldives) welcomed the 1 millionth tourist of 2024. Sutapa Amornviv...

Thu 27. June 15:40 - Soneva unveils Lineup for Wellness-focused Soul Festival in the Maldives ...
Luxury Travel Magazine - USA
Soneva has unveiled its lineup for the highly anticipated SOUL Festival, held from October 9-13, 2024 at Soneva Fushi in the Baa Atoll U...

Thu 27. June 15:35 - Luxury and Adventure Converge In the Maldives with the OZEN COLLECTION
The Maldives now attracts diverse travelers with stunning views, warm hospitality, and dynamic culinary experiences, led by THE OZEN CO...

Thu 27. June 15:30 - Maldives climate minister arrested over 'black magic'
Gulf News - USA
Police in the Maldives have arrested a state environment minister, officers said Thursday, with media in the Indian Ocean nation reporting ...

Thu 27. June 15:25 - Maldives' Climate Minister arrested for 'black magic' on President Muizzu
Business Standard - UK
Maldives Police have arrested state environment minister Fathimath Shamnaz Ali Saleem, with media in the Indian Ocean nation suggest...

Thu 27. June 15:20 - Fitch downgrades Maldives, warns of default
Inquirer - USA
International credit rating agency Fitch downgraded the Maldives Wednesday and warned that South Asia’s tourist paradise could be head...


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Ven 26. Lug 13:05 - Le Maldive ad agosto? Ecco perché è una buona idea
Grazia - Italia
Visitare le Maldive ad agosto è spesso considerato un tabù per i viaggiatori. Ma ne siamo davvero sicuri? E se, invece, fosse un mito da sfa...

Ven 26. Lug 13:00 - Ven Messaggio di congratulazioni di Xi Jinping a Mohamed Muizzu ... delle Maldive
CRI - Cina
Il 26 luglio il capo di Stato cinese, Xi Jinping, ha inviato un messaggio al presidente delle Maldive, Mohamed Muizzu, per congratularsi c...

Gio 25. Lug 14:10 - Viaggi di lusso in estate: le 10 mete più esclusive
L'Officiel - Italia
Scopri le mete più esclusive per un viaggio di lusso ... Dalle spiagge paradisiache delle Maldive alle montagne incantevoli della Val Gard...

Mer 24. Lug 13:25 - 260 isole dal valore di 11 miliardi sono disabitate: quali sono e perch
Meteo - Italia
La loro disabitazione è spesso dovuta alla necessità di preservare l'ambiente naturale ... Maldive: Un Paradiso Inesplorato. Le Maldive son...

Mer 24. Lug 13:20 - Le migliori destinazioni per le tue vacanze con Pianeta Gaia
Globalist - Italia
Sogni una vacanza perfetta, ma non sai da dove iniziare? Pianeta Gaia, una delle migliori agenzie di viaggio in Italia, è qui per aiutarti. ...

Mar 23. Lug 13:10 - Air Arabia apre su Maldive
Italiavola - Italia
Air Arabia aggiunge le Maldive alla sua rete globale. Voli giornalieri diretti che collegano Sharjah all’incantevole isola delle Maldive a p...

Lun 22. Lug 14:00 - Voglia di Maldive? Apre Raaya by Atmosphere per una vacanza all inclusive
Italia da Tavola - Italia
Atmosphere Core ha aperto da pochi giorni “Raaya by Atmosphere•, nono resort alle Maldive e terza struttura della società leader dell'ospi...

Dom 21. Lug 14:10 - Inter, per Bastoni relax alle Maldive. L’accoglienza è tutta nerazzurra
La Gazzetta dello Sport - Italia
Inter, per Bastoni relax alle Maldive. L’accoglienza è tutta nerazzurra - immagine 1. Sui social il giocatore ha pubblicato l'omaggio tutto i...

Ven 19. Lug 14:25 - Vacanze in questo paradiso terrestre con soli 50 euro al giorno
nanopress - Italia
Si può soggiornare nel paradiso terrestre per gli amanti del mare ... Vacanze sì ma risparmiando, come fare alle Maldive? Il portafoglio e...

Gio 18. Lug 13:15 - Maldives Tourism’s Future Shaped by Endorsed Summit with Ministry and MMPRC ...
TTW - Italia
Destination Future è lieta di annunciare l'approvazione del prossimo Future Summit da parte del Ministero del Turismo della Maldives M...

Mer 17. Lug 13:35 - Zamani Islands: nasce il primo porto turistico per superyacht alle Maldive
Daily Nautica - Italia
Atoll Estates ha in programma lo sviluppo di Zamani Islands, primo resort ad energia rinnovabile con una marina per grandi yacht. Zamani...

Mar 16. Lug 14:10 - Emerald Maldives Resort & Spa, il general manager è Rohit Chhettri
L'agenzia di viaggi - Italia
Emerald Maldives Resort & Spa ha un nuovo general manager. Aldo Scarapicchia, partner & managing director di The Emerald Collectio...

Lun 15. Lug 13:45 - Una meraviglia travolgente: sub nuota accanto a una balenottera azzurra alle Maldive
Corriere della Sera - Italia
Un subacqueo è stato protagonista di uno spettacolare incontro ravvicinato con una balenottera azzurra al largo delle Maldive, come most...

Lun 15. Lug 13:40 - Le Maldive stabiliscono un record di 1,8 milioni di nuovi turisti
Tempo Italia - Italia
Le Maldive e? le Seychelles sono due paradisi? tropicali noti per la loro straordinaria bellezza naturale, che li ha resi destinazioni di fama...

Sab 13. Lug 13:55 - Clizia Incorvaia e Paolo Ciavarro, oggi 12 luglio il matrimonio: location, abito ...
Leggo - Italia
La luna di miele. Dopo le nozze Clizia Incorvaia e Paolo Ciavarro voleranno alle Maldive per la luna di miele. Questa destinazione esotic...

Gio 11. Lug 14:15 - Calciatori in vacanza, Riccardo Calafiori si immerge nei fondali delle Maldive
Golssip - Italia
Social Video:  Il  giocatore  e  la  sua  fidanzata  nuotano  insieme  ai  pesci.  Lo  spettacolo  delle  immersioni  nei  fondali  delle  Maldive

Mer 10. Lug 13:45 - I piani di Atmosphere Hotels & Resorts
Guida Viaggi - Italia
Un piano di restyling importante, una formula commerciale innovativa ... la gestione del nuovo Raaya by Atmosphere, nell’isola di Kudaku...

Mer 10. Lug 13:40 - Paola Di Benedetto e Raoul Bellanova, fuga d’amore alle Maldive
TGCOM24 - Italia
Vacanze lontano da occhi indiscreti per Paola Di Benedetto e Raoul Bellanova ... le meravigliose spiagge delle Maldive per una fuga d’a...

Mar 09. Lug 13:30 - Aperto il Raaya by Atmosphere, nono resort del gruppo omonimo alle Maldive
Travel Quotidiano - Italia
Ha aperto ufficialmente i propri battenti la settimana scorsa il Raaya by Atmosphere, nono resort del gruppo omonimo alle Maldive e terzo...

Dom 07. Lug 14:05 - Guendalina Tavassi, matrimonio a sorpresa alle Maldive (l'epilogo è inaspettato) ...
Today - Italia
Guendalina Tavassi si è sposata alle Maldive. Tutto è stato organizzato in gran segreto e nessun indizio era stato dato sui social. L'ex gieff...

Sab 06. Lug 13:50 - Glamour, proseguono gli investimenti sulle Maldive
TTG Italia - Italia
Glamour è da anni leader nel mercato italiano per le Maldive, grazie alla sua rete di adv. Seleziona attentamente le strutture, combinand...

Sab 06. Lug 13:45 - Mete per il viaggio di nozze: 5 da scoprire nel 2024
Viaggiamo - Italia
Maldive: Concludiamo con un must dei neo sposini: le Maldive, il paradiso terrestre per eccellenza. E’ la località marittima più desiderata ...

Sab 06. Lug 13:40 - 'ECO', la SS24 di Cettina Bucca nelle nostre immagini dalle Maldive
Luxury pret a porter - Italia
La nuova collezione Primavera/Estate 2024 di Cettina Bucca ... spiagge delle Maldive - nei magici resort Constance Halaveli e Constance...

Ven 05. Lug 14:15 - Maldive, apre il lussuoso resort Raaya by Atmosphere
L'Agenzia di Viaggi - Italia
Inaugurato alle Maldive il nono resort firmato Atmosphere Core e terza struttura nell’arcipelago brandizzata Atmosphere Hotels & Resorts, ...

Ven 05. Lug 14:10 - Apre ufficialmente 'RAAYA by Atmosphere', il nuovo resort ... Atmosphere Core
Viaggiare - Italia
Destinato a diventare una delle nuove destinazioni più popolari del 2024 per una fuga da sogno, oggi apre ufficialmente 'RAAYA by Atm...

Mer 03. Lug 13:20 - Maldive più vicine: Beond Airlines inaugura il volo Milano-Malé
L'Agenzia di Viaggi - Italia
Dopo l’apertura di un quinto volo in libertà tra Zurigo, Svizzera e Dubai, e la ricezione di un secondo aeromobile, un Airbus A321 attualm...

Mar 02. Lug 13:40 - Il progetto per salvare i coralli giganti: un piano per proteggerli prima ...
BioPianeta - Italia
Nasce un progetto per salvaguardare i coralli giganti ... (MaRHE) Center nell’isola di Magoodhoo nelle Maldive. Grazie al suo impegno e ...

Lun 01. Lug 14:00 - Guendalina Tavassi rimprovera il suo compagno ha fotografato uno squalo alle Maldive
TristeMondo - Italia
Guendalina Tavassi rimprovera il suo compagno ha fotografato uno squalo alle Maldive

Ven 28. Giu 13:50 - Le Maldive cercano alleanze con la Cina mentre Fitch suo rating creditizio ...
TradingView - USA
Il ministro del Commercio delle Maldive Mohamed Saeed ha avuto colloqui con alti funzionari delle banche cinesi per formare alleanze s...

Gio 27. Giu 15:15 - Maldive: arrestata una ministra, praticava magia nera sul presidente Muizzu
Agenzia Nova - Italia
La polizia delle Maldive ha arrestato la ministra di Stato per l’Ambiente, il Cambiamento climatico e l’Energia, Fathimath Shamnaz Ali S...


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